"Send copy to" or "download" option in Message Log/junk box does not work


"Send copy to" or "download" option in Message Log/junk box does not work


Junkbox/Message Log has a feature to allow you to ā€œsend copy toā€ of messages or "download" emails from the Message Log/Junkbox under Investigate | Junk Box/ Message Logs | Send Copy to/Download

NOTE: To download a message from junkbox , you have to click open the email , scroll down to the bottom of the email and you will be able to find the download button. The download button is not present outside whereas the Download button can be seen outside in Message Logs.

Sometimes when we try to send a copy of an email to another user it gives an error as follows:


Resolution or Workaround:

This can happen if you do not have archiving feature enabled on the email security device.
If archiving feature is turned ON, a copy of the message is retained in auditing.

This will allow the email security device to retain a copy of email which can be downloaded or a copy of the email can be sent to other user.

Here are the steps to enable archiving on the email security device:

  1. Login into the email security device as "admin"
  2. Navigate to Manage | Policy & Compliance Module
  3. Click on compliance | Archiving
  4. Select "archive to : File system" radio button.
  5. select one of the following options for inbound emails:
    • Archive all inbound emails 
    • Archive emails that are delivered to users in your organization
  6. Click on "Apply Changes" to save settings.


After you have set up archiving to save emails, any new email that comes in, will be saved in the message logs section and you can download or send copy of that email to other users.

NOTE: Compliance module licenses are required to use archiving feature. Archiving will use disk space so plan to limit the number of days based on your free disk space availability.

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