Email Security: How to exclude the domain from DHA scanning?
Adding New Domain to Email Security
Note: You may exclude the entire domain from DHA scanning if anyone desires. A company may add additional domain but migrating or creating users are not fully completed therefore it must be excluded from DHA scanning if enabled.
Excluding the Domain from DHA
1) Go to Manage | Security services | Connection Management
2) Add the new domain under "Apply DHA protection to these recipient domains:"
3) Select the third radio button "Apply to all recipient domains except those listed below" and add the new domain
4) Click on Apply changes
5) Refer the below diagram:
If you want Email Security to accept emails for the new domain, then you must also add the domain name in the inbound path.
Please follow the below procedure to add the new domain:
1) Login to UI
2) Go to Manage | Network | Server Configuration | Inbound Email Flow.
3) Edit the inbound path and add the new domain under "Source IP Contacting Path" and scroll down to the "4. Directory Harvest Attack (DHA) Protection Settings" Settings
4) "Action for messages sent to email addresses that are not in your LDAP server:" must be set to Adhere to coporate settings. Also add the exlusion domain under " Apply to all recipient domains except those listed below:"