My Oracle application is slow. "Packet dropped - TCP sequence out of order"


This article provides troubleshooting steps to resolve packets of Application Oracle being dropped on the SonicWall firewall due to drop code "Packet dropped - TCP sequence out of order".

Packet capture shows the following:
TCP Packet Header 
TCP Flags = [ACK,PSH,], Src=[1521], Dst=[xxxxx], Checksum=0x2e9a 
Application Header 
DROPPED, Drop Code: xxx(Packet dropped - TCP sequence out of order)

Resolution for SonicOS 7.X

This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.5 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 7.X firmware.

  1. Login to the SonicWall Management GUI.
  2. Click NETWORK in the top navigation menu.
  3. Navigate to Firewall | Advanced | DYNAMIC PORTS
  4. If "Enable support for Oracle (SQLNet)" is enabled, disable it:

  5. Click Accept at bottom to save the configuration and test again.

If the issue persists, please contact SonicWall Support.

Resolution for SonicOS 6.5

This release includes significant user interface changes and many new features that are different from the SonicOS 6.2 and earlier firmware. The below resolution is for customers using SonicOS 6.5 firmware.

  1. Login to the SonicWall Management GUI.
  2. Click Manage in the top navigation menu.
  3. Navigate to Firewall Settings | Advanced Settings | Dynamic Ports
  4. If "Enable support for Oracle (SQLNet)" is enabled, disable it:


   5. Click Accept to save the configuration and test again.

If the issue persists, please contact SonicWall Support.

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