List of common error codes that you may encounter, when your VirusScan Enterprise's AutoUpdate fail


List of common error codes that you may encounter, when your VirusScan Enterprise's AutoUpdate fails.

A notice has been issued for SonicWall Enforced Client's (McAfee and Kaspersky). Please see Notice: End of Support for SonicWall Enforced Client for more information.



When your AutoUpdate fails, review the update log. These are common error codes that you may encounter:


  • -215: Failed to get site status — The software cannot verify if the repository is available. Attempt to manually download the PKGCATALOG.Z file using the network
    protocol. If this fails, verify the path and user credentials.
  • -302: Failed to get the agent’s framework interface — The scheduler interface is not available. Stop and restart the framework service.
  • -409: Master site not found — The master repository for the update is not available, is inaccessible, or is in use. Attempt to manually download the PKGCATALOG.Z file using the network protocol. If this fails, verify the path and user credentials.
  • -414: Verify the Domain, User Name, and Password you provided are typed correctly. Verify that the user account has permissions to the location where the repository resides — While creating the repository, the credentials entered were determined invalid when Verify was selected. Either now, or after the repository is created, correct the credential information. Click Verify again. Repeat this process until the credentials are verified.
  • -503: Product package not found — Update files are not present in the repository or may be corrupt. Ensure that the repository is populated with the update files. If these files are present, create a replication or pull task to overwrite the current task setting. If the files were not present, populate the repository, then attempt to update again.
  • -530: Site catalog not found — You performed a pull task from a repository that does not have a catalog file, or contains a corrupted catalog file. To correct this issue, verify that the source repository contains a valid catalog directory.
  • -531: Package catalog not found — The PKGCATALOG.Z was not found in the repository. Try to download the file using the network protocol. If it cannot be downloaded, perform a replication or pull task (depending on the type of repository).
  • -601: Failed to download file — The repository is not accessible. Try to download the file using network protocol. If it cannot be downloaded, verify the path and user rights. If the file is downloaded, try stopping and starting the service.
  • -602: Failed to upload file — You performed a pull task but the master repository credentials or settings are invalid (or the location is not available). Verify the credentials and location.
  • -804: Sit status not found — You performed a replication task but the master repository is not available (or the credentials are invalid). Verify that the master repository is active, accessible, and that the credentials are valid.
  • -1113: Replication has been done partially — One or more repositories may be inaccessible at the time of replication. Consequently, not all repositories are up-to-date. Verify that all repositories are accessible and that no files are marked as.

Source: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Product Guide

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