Whenever you reach out to Tech Support for Capture Client related issues we will ask you to provide the Tech Support Report (TSR) from Capture Client.
There are four different ways to send the TSR to SonicWall.
Method 1. Run the following commands on the endpoint:
If you are using Capture client version 1.5.x and older:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWall\Capture Client\
C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWall\Capture Client>SEService.exe -send tsr send=false save=true Dir=C:\
If you are using Capture client version 2.0.x:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWall\Capture Client\
C:\Program Files (x86)\SonicWall\Capture Client> SonicWallEnforcementService.exe -send tsr send=false save=true Dir=C:\
You should find the TSR as a zip file in a newly created folder under C:\CaptureClientTSR
Please send the saved .zip file to Tech Support via Email or attach to the case via Support Portal - for more information see: How to upload documents to a Support case
NOTE: This is the preferred method when contacting Tech Support, as it allows you to attach the relevant file directly to the case
Method 2. Right click on Capture Client icon under system tray and click Support | Send Diagnostics Report
Method 3. Open Capture Client UI | Support | Send Report
Method 4. Login to SonicWall Capture Client Management Console (https://captureclient.sonicwall.com) and go to Protection | Devices | Settings (clog wheel icon) |Send TSR
CAUTION: Please note, methods 2, 3 and 4 are sending the TSR to our backend - when using those methods, please make sure to include the affected Tenant ID and Hostname in the case.
See also:
How to export logs from the Capture client console and the endpoint