How can I use Wildcard with exclusions in McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.x?


How to use wildcards with exclusions in McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.x



McAfee VirusScan Enterprise (All supported versions)

Solution 1

When excluding all files of a particular extension, use the option to exclude files by Type and specify the desired extension.

Solution 2

Wildcards (**,*, ?) are helpful in creating exclusions for VirusScan Enterprise (VSE), but certain rules apply (see examples below):

  • Exclude the Favorites folder for all users:
    C:Documents and Settings*Favorites

  • Exclude any folder named Favorites on drive C:

  • Exclude the Temp folder in any location, on any drive.

    In this example the following directories would be excluded:
    D:windowstempc:documents and settingsAdministratorLocal Settingstemp

  • Exclude any file with a .tmp extension in a folder named Temp anywhere on the system:

  • Exclude any file with a .html extension anywhere on the system:
  • Exclude all files named inifileX (where X is any valid character for a filename) within any folder name beginning with Temp under C:Windows:
  • Exclude all files with the tmp extension (*.tmp) in any folder on a specific drive:

    In this example any *.tmp files on the D: drive will be excluded: D:***.tmp

CAUTION: Do not select Include Subfolders when excluding a file, as this will produce incorrect results.

TIP: For additional information and examples, review the VirusScan Enterprise 8.x Product Guide.

See also:

To set exclusions:

  1. Right-click the VirusScan Enterprise icon in the system tray and select VirusScan Console.
    Select Start, Programs, McAfee, VirusScan Console.
  2. Double-click On-Access Scanner.
  3. Select All Processes.
  4. Click the Detection tab.
  5. Select Exclusions.
  6. Select Add.
  7. Add the relevant exclusion (see examples above).
  8. Click OK three times to exit the On-Access Scanner.
  9. Close the VirusScan Console screen. 


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