How can I download and install NetExtender for Windows?


NetExtender is available for free and can be downloaded from both and from the Virtual Office on the SonicWall firewall.

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Download NetExtender via

  1. Navigate to the SonicWall VPN Clients page at
  2. Select NetExtender and under Get NetExtender for Windows, click DOWNLOAD.Image

  3. This will download the latest version of NetExtender.


Another option is to download NetExtender via the Virtual Office page:

In order to download NetExtender from the Virtual Office, the SonicWall SSL VPN feature must be enabled.

     1. Navigate to any public or private IP address which the SonicWall will accept user logins from and append the port number used for the SSL VPN feature.


EXAMPLE: If your SonicWall is reachable via from the WAN, and your SSL VPN is setup to use Port 4433, you would navigate to

TIP: If you're unsure whether or not an IP Address will accept User Logins, navigate to Network | Interfaces and select Configure for the Interface in question. User Login is a checkbox on the resulting pop-up window.


     2. Login with a Local or LDAP User who belongs to the SSLVPN Services Group. Select Click here to download Windows NetExtender Client. Once downloaded, move onto the Installing NetExtender step below


After download NetExtender from either MySonicWall or the Virtual Office page, it's time to install

  1. Once the NetExtender package has been downloaded start the setup process by double-clicking the file.
    Install the application

  2. Once the installation has completed double-click the application to launch.
    Open NetExtender

  3. The server name, username, and password should be provided to you via your IT administrator.

Further reading:

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