How can I apply my activation keys to my SonicWall?


This article outlines how to apply your Activation Key to the SonicWall.Activation Keys are provided when a service is purchased from a SonicWall reseller.


  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on My Workspace then Products.


  3. Click on the Serial number on which the key should be applied.
  4. Go to Licenses.
  5. Click the Key icon Image to the right of the service you are trying to activate.
  6. Enter the 8-digit Activation Key in the pop up window and click Confirm. 
    TIP: For node based subscriptions (client or user count based services) or Email Security services users are presented with two options Renewal (default) and Upgrade (add licenses). If adding new services please select Upgrade (which increases node count).

    NOTE: Sometimes, you may get two options: Co-term and Renewal. These options are provided when the services expire on different dates.
    Co-termination service- allows you to adjust the expiration dates of all Service Contracts to expire on the same date. Renewal- will add the expired services.
    Complete: Your activation key should now be successfully applied and your service should show activated.

    CAUTION: Multiple activation keys can be applied at once but please ensure only keys meant for this feature, on this serial number are applied

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