How to Manually Download the SonicWall Enforced Client (Network) Anti-Virus?
A notice has been issued for SonicWall Enforced Client's (McAfee and Kaspersky). Please see Notice: End of Support for SonicWall Enforced Client for more information.
Follow these steps to manually download a copy of McAfee anti-virus client on the computer behind a SonicWall appliance:
Step 1: Log into the SonicWall Management Interface of your SonicWall appliance.
Step 2: Generate the Technical Support Report (TSR) from the System > Diagnostics page.
Step 3: Open the TSR file and (perform a page search with keyword "downloadurl") locate the DownloadUrl entry in the Anti-Virus section. This URL includes a ck= value representing the specific Company Key for your Enforced Client Anti-Virus license.Anti-Virus: Silent Installation of McAfee client antivirus.