RF Basic Background: 2.4G and 5G Band


RF Basic Background: 2.4G and 5G Band


There are currently five widely adopted standards for 802.11 wireless network. There are 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11 g, 802.11n, and 802.11ac. 802.11ac is the newest and highest capacity standards, while older client devices may not be able to utilize the newer standards. Following table lists the main characters for these five wireless standards. 

Standard Approved19991999200320092013
Frequency Band5 GHz2.4 GHz2.4 GHz2.4/5 GHz5 GHz
Channel Width20 MHz20 MHz20 MHz20/40 MHz20/40/80/160 MHz
(160M is optional)
Non-Overlapping Channels24333/2424
Data Rate54Mbps11Mbps54Mbps600Mbps
(3x3, 40MHz)
(3x3, 80MHz)
  • 2.4G Band Channels
  • 5G Band Channels
  • 2.4G vs 5G (Pro's and Con's)
    • ?RF interference??
    • Radio frequency barriers

2.4GHz Band Channels

In 802.11b/g/n 2.4Ghz radio band, there are 11 22MHz wide separate channels but only three channels (1, 6, and 11) are  non-overlapping . APs and STAs operating in one of these three channels don't interfere with APs and STAs running in the other two channels.


#ChannelFrequency (GHz)LocationComments
112.412North America
North America: C#1-#11
Europe: C#1-#13
Japan: C#1-#14
           (802.11bg: #14 only)
222.417North America
332.422North America
442.427North America
552.432North America
662.437North America
772.442North America
882.447North America
992.452North America
10102.457North America
11112.462North America
2.4G Band Channel List
Five possible combinations of non-overlapping channels for 2.4G band. The red color set  in the below picture is recommended. Therefore, to deploy more APs, you are required to try hard to utilize channel 1, 6, and 11. Howerver, for 802.11n 2.4G? when using 40MHz channel width, only one AP can be deployed. Hence, 40 MHz operation in the 2.4 GHz band should be avoided.
Image 2.4G  Channel map

5GHz Band Channels

In 802.11a/n/ac 5Ghz radio band, there are 24 20MHz wide separate channels and 23 channels are non-overlapping in North America. APs and STAs operating in one of these channels don't interfere with APs and STAs running in the other channels.  However, due to possible interference with radar systems, only the  top four (Indoor Only) and buttom five (North America) channels are commonly used. For the rest 15 channels, the Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) is must applied.

DFS monitors the region frequency of the radar signals. If radar signal is detect on the channel which AP is using, DFS will block the transmission on the channel and randomly switch to another channel to avoid the interference with the region radar system.
#ChannelFrequency (GHz)LocationComments
1365.180Indoor Only
North America:C#1-#24
Europe: C#1-19
Japan: C#1-#19 
2405.200Indoor Only
3445.220Indoor Only
4485.240Indoor Only
5525.260DFS Required
6565.280DFS Required
7605.300DFS Required
8645.320DFS Required
91005.500DFS Required
101045.520DFS Required
111085.540DFS Required
121125.560DFS Required
131165.580DFS Required
141205.600DFS Required
151245.620DFS Required
161285.640DFS Required
171325.660DFS Required
181365.680DFS Required
191405.700DFS Required
201495.745North America
211535.765North America
221575.785North America
231615.805North America
241655.825North America
5G Band Channel List
Image 5G  Channel map
In 5 GHz band, higher data rates (wider channel width) means fewer available channels. With 802.11a, there are a total of 24 non-overlapping channels available, but with 802.11ac, achieving the maximum data rate will reduce the number of non-overlapping channels to two for 80MHz and only one for 160 MHz wide (including DFS).
 Including DFSExcluding DFS
Channel SizeNorth AmericaEuropeNorth AmericaEurope

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