Industry News and Events

SonicWall Named Cybersecurity Company Of The Year

PRESS RELEASE – September 19, 2017

SANTA CLARA, Calif. ­— SonicWall, a privately held network security company owned by Francisco Partners and Elliott Management, today announced that it has been selected as winner of the Overall CyberSecurity Company of the Year award from CyberSecurity Breakthrough, an independent organization that recognizes the top companies, technologies and products in the global information security market today.

“We are excited to recognize the leading information security companies that excel among their peers and truly showcase the best in information security technology,” said James Johnson, managing director, CyberSecurity Breakthrough. “With a 25-year track record in the cybersecurity industry, SonicWall is both a proven industry leader and a technology innovator that is addressing today’s most challenging information security issues head-on. The Overall CyberSecurity Company of the Year award is the marquee award for our program and we congratulate SonicWall on their distinguished industry recognition.”

The mission of the CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards is to honor excellence and recognize the innovation, hard work and success in a range of information security categories, including Cloud Security, Threat Detection, Risk Management, Fraud Prevention, Mobile Security, Email Security and many more.

This year’s program attracted more than 2,000 nominations from over 12 different countries throughout the world. All nominations were evaluated by an independent panel of experts within the information security industry.

“This accolade is a testament to the vision, commitment and innovative spirit of our employees, leadership and partners,” said SonicWall President and CEO Bill Conner. “Consistently delivering innovative and proven security solutions requires dedication from many groups, so we share this recognition and salute them for their commitment to securing businesses across the globe.”

Since becoming an independent company late last year, SonicWall has earned more than 21 awards for its business strategy and leadership. In the third quarter alone, SonicWall President and CEO Bill Conner was honored with the inaugural SC Media Reboot Leadership Award; Conner was named to the CRN list of the 25 Most Influential Executives of 2017; and SonicWall Chief Sales Officer Steve Pataky was named to the CRN list of the 25 Most Influential Sales Executives of 2017.

About SonicWall

SonicWall has been fighting the cyber-criminal industry for over 25 years defending small, medium-size businesses and enterprises worldwide. Backed by research from SonicWall Capture Labs, our award-winning real-time breach detection and prevention solutions coupled with the formidable resources of over 18,000 loyal channel partners around the globe, are the backbone securing more than a million business and mobile networks and their emails, applications, and data. This combination of products and partners has enabled an automated real-time breach detection and prevention solution tuned to the specific needs of the more than 500,000 organizations in over 150 countries. These businesses can run more effectively and fear less about security.

For more information, visit

About CyberSecurity Breakthrough

The CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards program is devoted to honoring excellence in information security and cybersecurity technology companies, products and people. The CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards provide a platform for public recognition around the achievements of breakthrough information security companies and products in categories including Cloud Security, Threat Detection, Risk Management, Fraud Prevention, Mobile Security, Web and Email Security, UTM, Firewall and more. For more information visit

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