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CRN’s 2023 Inclusive Leadership Network Honors SonicWall’s Jason Carter and Osca St. Marthe

Two SonicWall employees recognized for their commitment to diversity and inclusion

Milpitas, CA, July 10, 2023 — SonicWall is thrilled to share CRN has named SonicWall’s Jason Carter, Chief Revenue Officer and Osca St. Marthe, Vice President, Worldwide Solution Engineering to its inaugural Inclusive Channel Leaders list for 2023. For the first time, CRN is recognizing executives from vendor, distributor, and solution provider organizations whose commitments to inclusive leadership are making an impact across the IT channel.

The CRN 2023 Inclusive Channel Leaders list honorees are passionate about promoting diversity, equality, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) across their areas of influence. With this recognition, CRN honors these individuals for their unwavering dedication to inclusivity in the channel and the greater technology industry.

“I’m incredibly proud of the strides SonicWall has made from recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and the advancement of employees to foster creativity and innovation and to ensure a diverse team with different viewpoints across the SonicWall team – and we’re committed to doing more,” said SonicWall CEO Bob VanKirk. “Regardless of title, tenure or level we are all responsible for creating an environment of inclusion and diversity in the workplace and our team is and will be stronger for it, providing greater value to our partners and customers. I’m grateful to CRN for recognizing two individuals in our company who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to help everyone be treated fairly and equally from the very first moment they are introduced to SonicWall.”

Carter has made inclusivity a priority to create an environment where all employees feel valued and respected. Carter launched and refined inclusion and diversity groups within SonicWall, which have celebrated cultural milestones, established volunteer efforts, spoken out against discrimination, and made a focused effort to create a more diverse workforce. Additionally, Carter helped promote education and awareness through group team building activities, and most recently, Carter teamed up with our Women in Technology (WIT) team to find creative ways to fund an event for women's history month. Carter’s efforts will influence SonicWall’s equity and inclusion efforts as he continues to advocate for these critically important issues.

St. Marthe has fundamentally changed the sales hiring process at SonicWall creating a new hire EMEA onboarding program - which has now been adopted globally. In addition, St. Marthe reviewed all of SonicWall’s pre-sales job profiles and was tasked to re-write them to help drive equity and inclusivity. Adding gender mix in recruitment and during the hiring process hiring ensures SonicWall is acting on our promise of inclusion. St. Marthe also serves as a coach and mentor for WIT and those individuals who are of a minority in our company with a diverse background who are looking to be our future leaders.

“We are so excited to announce this year’s honorees and shine a light on their passion and commitment to inclusivity across the channel. Because of their transparent leadership, our work environments are safer and more accepting places where everyone can feel comfortable showing up as the best version of themselves each day,” said Blaine Raddon, CEO of The Channel Company. “The channel is a more caring and compassionate place because of them, and we look forward to seeing what great things they do next.”

The 2023 Inclusive Channel Leaders list will be featured in the July issue of CRN Magazine, with online coverage starting July 10 at

About SonicWall

SonicWall delivers Boundless Cybersecurity for the hyper-distributed era in a work reality where everyone is remote, mobile and unsecure. SonicWall safeguards organizations mobilizing for their new business normal with seamless protection that stops the most evasive cyberattacks across boundless exposure points and increasingly remote, mobile and cloud-enabled workforces. By knowing the unknown, providing real-time visibility and enabling breakthrough economics, SonicWall closes the cybersecurity business gap for enterprises, governments and SMBs worldwide. For more information, visit or follow us on TwitterLinkedInFacebook and Instagram.

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