En septembre dernier, British Airways a informé quelque 380 000 clients qui avaient acheté des billets entre le 21 août et le 5 septembre 2018 que leurs informations personnelles, notamment celles de leur carte bancaire, avaient peut-être fait l’objet d’une attaque. Ce webcast vous explique ce qui s’est passé et comment un pare-feu d’applications Web peut éviter à votre entreprise de subir ce type d’incident.

Lo scorso settembre British Airways ha avvisato circa 380.000 clienti che avevano acquistato biglietti tra il 21 agosto e il 5 settembre 2018, informandoli che probabilmente i loro dati personali, inclusi i dettagli delle carte di credito, erano stati compromessi. Questo webinar spiega cosa è successo e mostra come un firewall per applicazioni web (WAF) può garantire che ciò non accada alla vostra azienda.

You are deeply concerned with the constant risks of your organization becoming a victim of a security breach. You are also aware that without real-time visibility and knowledge into everything that goes on in your security environment, you face hidden dangers of the unknown that at times, have led to bad outcomes. These risks might be a result of unpatched network and application vulnerabilities, unauthorized intrusions, risky user activities and SaaS applications, and/or malicious malware attacks that could spread ransomware across the organization.

Successful attacks can halt an entire organization’s momentum, as stakeholders divert their focus from key business priorities to damage control. The inability to uncover and respond to these risks hampers an organization’s ability to protect sensitive information, meet compliance and maintain normal service operations.

This webcast will discuss how SonicWall’s Risk Meters, Analytics and Cloud Apps Security services give you a direct line of sight into the threat intelligence of your network environment in real time.

In this webcast, you will discover how to:

• Get single-pane visibility and knowledge of your network security environment
• Gain deeper knowledge and understanding of potential and real threats though risk meters
• Respond to risks with greater precision and speed using extensive analytics

Powered by SentinelOne’s award-winning, anti-malware technology, SonicWall Capture Client offers complete protection for your endpoints, so your employees can work safely, from any location, anywhere in the world

El pasado mes de septiembre, British Airways alertó unos 380.000 clientes que habían comprado billetes entre el 21 de agosto y el 5 de septiembre de 2018, de que su información personal, incluidos los datos de sus tarjetas de crédito, podría haberse visto comprometida. En este seminario virtual, explicaremos qué ocurrió y cómo un firewall de aplicaciones Web (WAF) puede evitar que le ocurra a su empresa.

Last September, British Airways alerted approximately 380,000 customers who purchased tickets between August 21 and September 5, 2018, that their personal information, including credit card details, may have been compromised. This webinar will explain what happened and how a web application firewall can ensure it doesn’t happen to your business.

Con la premiata tecnologia anti-malware di SentinelOne, SonicWall Capture Client garantisce la protezione completa degli endpoint, consentendo al personale di lavorare in sicurezza in ogni parte del mondo

Alimenté par la technologie anti-malware ayant reçu le prix SentinelOne, SonicWall Capture Client offre une protection complète pour vos terminaux, afin que vos employés puissent travailler en toute sécurité partout dans le monde

Mit der preisgekrönten Anti-Malware-Technologie von SentinelOne ausgerüstet, bietet SonicWall Capture Client umfassenden Schutz für Ihre Endpunkte, damit Ihre Mitarbeiter an jedem Ort weltweit sicher arbeiten können.

SonicWall Cloud App Security pour Office 365 offre une protection avancée de qualité supérieure contre les menaces en utilisant des API natives du cloud pour une expérience utilisateur sans latence. Rendez-vous sur SonicWall.com/office365 ou inscrivez-vous pour un essai GRATUIT de 30 jours à l’adresse SonicWall.com/scastrial