Presentato da Federico Diamantini, Solutions Engineer ed esperto di cybersecurity, questo webinar illustra come i criminali informatici sfruttano il modello di business del software as-a-service per creare una « economia del cybercrime » in rapida crescita. Il webinar fornisce inoltre informazioni sulle nuove tendenze, offre una definizione del modello di business MaaS/RaaS e spiega cosa potete fare per proteggere la vostra azienda, esaminando in dettaglio i dati legati al business del MaaS e alcuni esempi di malware già scoperti.

Presented by Simon Wikberg, SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert, this webcast will explore how cybercriminals are leveraging the software-as-a-service business model to establish a rapidly growing ‘hacker economy.’ It will also include insights on new trends, define the MaaS/RaaS business model, and what you can do to protect your business with a dive into deep business data behind MaaS and known examples that have been uncovered.

The exclusive 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report offers deep analysis of large scale ransomware data, and offers insight into the cyberattacks that are cascading across different regions and verticals.

L’esclusivo Rapporto SonicWall 2022 sul Cybercrime offre un’analisi approfondita dei dati del ransomware su larga scala e una panoramica sugli attacchi informatici che stanno interessando diverse regioni e settori di attività.

Le rapport exclusif SonicWall 2022 sur les cybermenaces analyse en profondeur et à grande échelle les données des ransomwares et offre un aperçu des cyberattaques qui montent en puissance dans les différentes régions et structures.

El exclusivo Informe de Ciberamenazas 2022 de SonicWall ofrece un análisis profundo de datos sobre ransomware a gran escala, así como información sobre los ciberataques en cascada entre diferentes regiones y sectores verticales.

Der exklusive SonicWall Cyber Threat Report 2022 bietet eine eingehende Analyse umfangreicher Ransomware-Daten sowie einen Einblick in die Cyberangriffe, die verschiedene Regionen und Märkte bedrohen.

How to Deal with Business Email Compromise

BEC attacks are a $1.8 billion dollar racket — and statistically, your business will be targeted sooner rather than later. While 73% of organizations admit they’re not confident in their ability to face these attacks, there are a number of steps you can take to thwart the imposters in your inbox

Gain insights from Osterman Research and SonicWall experts as we discuss:
• Why BEC attacks are more financially devastating than ransomware
• The tactics attackers use to masquerade as executives
• How good your existing cybersecurity solution might be at stopping these attacks (Hint: be worried)
• The steps your org can take now to avoid falling victim to BEC attacks

Companies have had to pivot to remote work policies as quickly as possible, with network security often taking a backseat to business continuity. Now, remote working increasingly looks to be a permanent corporate fixture, with Global Workplace Analytics predicting that up to 30% of the workforce will be partially working from home by the end of 2021. Half-baked security protocols can no longer cut it in this new remote reality.

Securing your IT networks is not just a good business practice; it’s critical for any company looking to stay competitive. Proofpoint reports that 88% of global organizations experienced spear phishing attempts in 2019 — and cyber attackers are continually adapting to the new environment. A comprehensive security strategy is more necessary than ever.

Join this panel of experts as they discuss the most critical vulnerabilities of a newly remote system and how to safeguard against cyber threats:

• VPNs and how to choose the right one
• Threat Hijacking Attacks: what are they and how to protect against them
• Understanding Your Endpoints and building scalable endpoint management
• Making Cloud Security work for your organization

Simon Ratcliffe, Technology Evangelist, Ensono
Stan Davidson, Principal Solutions Engineer, EMEA
Steve Cobb, CISO, OnceSource
Michael Jimenez, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Kemp Technologies

Angriffe auf kritische Infrastruktur. Kryptodiebstahl. Triple Extortion. Übertragung von Ransomware über den normalen Postweg.

Von dreistelligen Wachstumsraten über neue Rekorde bis hin zu Kehrtwenden: Die Zahlen im SonicWall Cyber Threat Report 2022 erzählen eine Geschichte für sich. Doch hinter jeder Zahl steckt eine ganze Reihe von Trends, Taktiken und Entwicklungen, die von ermutigend bis hin zu beängstigend oder gar bizarr reichen.

Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie vom SonicWall-Cybersicherheitsexperten Frank-Michael Bickel mehr über folgende Themen:
• aktuellste Erkenntnisse zum drastischen Ransomware-Anstieg
• Regionen und Branchen, die 2021 am meisten betroffen waren
• warum wir in unserem Kampf gegen die Cyberkriminalität an einem Wendepunkt stehen
• Business-E-Mail-Compromise, Supply-Chain-Angriffe und vieles mehr