Probabilmente sapete che ci sono cibercriminali disposti a pagare per accedere alle vostre caselle di posta in arrivo. Ma sapevate che ci sono gruppi così sicuri di poter accedere ai vostri account da offrire una garanzia di rimborso?

Sentite che cos’ha da dire Luca Pesce di SonicWall a proposito dei sofisticati strumenti che un’organizzazione criminale avanzata e ostinata utilizza per sfruttare le vulnerabilità e bypassare Microsoft Security e che cosa suggerisce di fare per evitare intromissioni nelle vostre caselle di posta in arrivo.

Probablemente sepa que hay atacantes dispuestos a pagar por el acceso a la bandeja de entrada de su correo electrónico. ¿Pero sabía que hay grupos que están tan seguros de poder acceder a sus cuentas que hasta ofrecen una garantía de devolución del dinero?

Únase a Alex Vázquez, experto de SonicWall, que analizará las sofisticadas herramientas que utiliza una organización de amenazas persistentes avanzadas para explotar vulnerabilidades y eludir Microsoft Security y descubra qué se necesita para mantenerlas ajenas a su bandeja de entrada.

You probably know there are attackers willing to pay for access to your inbox. But did you know there are groups so sure they can gain access to your accounts that they offer a money-back guarantee?

Join SonicWall’s John Aarsen as he explores the sophisticated tools one advanced persistent threat organization uses to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass Microsoft Security — and reveal what it takes to keep them out of your inbox.

Cosa ne pensano 500 manager e responsabili IT del modo in cui le loro aziende gestiscono le minacce alla posta elettronica?

Luca Pesce di SonicWall spiega qual è il costo nascosto delle e-mail dannose e come una gestione più efficace della posta elettronica potrebbe ridurre la pressione sul personale del SOC, lasciando loro più tempo per concentrarsi su ciò che conta

Wir haben 500 IT-Leiter und Experten gefragt, wie ihre Organisationen mit E-Mail-Bedrohungen umgehen. Möchten Sie wissen, was sie geantwortet haben?

Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie von unserem Experten Stephan Kaiser mehr über die versteckten Kosten bösartiger E-Mails. Wir zeigen Ihnen auch, wie ein effektiveres E-Mail-Management Ihr SOC entlasten kann, sodass Ihre Teams mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche haben.

¿Qué dicen 500 directores y líderes de TI sobre la forma en que sus organizaciones gestionan las amenazas de correo electrónico?

Escuche al experto de SonicWall Sebastián Yáñez, que revela el coste oculto de los e-mails maliciosos — y explica cómo una gestión del correo electrónico más efectiva puede aliviar la carga de su centro de operaciones de seguridad, permitiéndole dedicar más tiempo a centrarse en lo importante.

Qu’est-ce que 500 responsables et leaders IT ont dit sur leur façon de gérer les menaces véhiculées par e-mail ?

Rejoignez Xavier Mariault, expert SonicWall, pour connaître le coût caché des e-mails malveillants. Vous apprendrez également comment une gestion plus efficace de votre messagerie peut soulager le SOC et lui permettre de se concentrer davantage sur l’essentiel.

You probably know there are attackers willing to pay for access to your inbox. But did you know there are groups so sure they can gain access to your accounts that they offer a money-back guarantee?

Join SonicWall’s Ken Dang as he explores the sophisticated tools one advanced persistent threat organization uses to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass Microsoft Security — and reveal what it takes to keep them out of your inbox.

Threat actors are more emboldened than ever, pushing effective phishing campaigns at an increasing rate in 2022. Their approach and methods continue to evolve. The crafting of malicious emails to effectively fool users is putting organizations at constant risk of a breach.

Listen to the panel discussion with our security experts to examine real-world examples of sophisticated phishing campaigns that reached users’ inboxes. They will offer insights and advice you want to take to avoid them.

The 2022 holiday season is upon us, kicking off another massive year of phishing scams carefully crafted to do one thing: bait users into making bad decisions. Even the most savvy employees can fall victim to these scams.
Watch this panel discussion now on-demand. Our security experts examine real-world examples of advanced holiday phishing campaigns that have successfully bypassed security filters and reached users’ inboxes.
Our experts answer questions and provide actionable insights and best practices you can implement to avoid falling victim this holiday season, including how to:
– Know the common indicators of phishing
– Understand different forms of obfuscation methods
– Discern legitimate emails from fake ones
– Choose the right email content protection technologies