Presented by Simon Wikberg, SonicWall Cybersecurity Expert, this webcast will explore how cybercriminals are leveraging the software-as-a-service business model to establish a rapidly growing ‘hacker economy.’ It will also include insights on new trends, define the MaaS/RaaS business model, and what you can do to protect your business with a dive into deep business data behind MaaS and known examples that have been uncovered.

Présenté par Laurent Meimoun, Senior SE Manager South Europe et expert en cybersécurité, ce webinaire étudiera comment les cybercriminels exploitent le modèle du logiciel as a service pour mettre en place une « économie du piratage » à croissance rapide. Il apportera également des éléments sur les nouvelles tendances, définira le modèle commercial MaaS/RaaS et vous dira ce que vous pouvez faire pour vous protéger. Les données métier du MaaS y seront examinées de près, avec des exemples connus d’attaques résolues à l’appui.

Presentato da Federico Diamantini, Solutions Engineer ed esperto di cybersecurity, questo webinar illustra come i criminali informatici sfruttano il modello di business del software as-a-service per creare una « economia del cybercrime » in rapida crescita. Il webinar fornisce inoltre informazioni sulle nuove tendenze, offre una definizione del modello di business MaaS/RaaS e spiega cosa potete fare per proteggere la vostra azienda, esaminando in dettaglio i dati legati al business del MaaS e alcuni esempi di malware già scoperti.

L’esclusivo Rapporto SonicWall 2022 sul Cybercrime offre un’analisi approfondita dei dati del ransomware su larga scala e una panoramica sugli attacchi informatici che stanno interessando diverse regioni e settori di attività.

Le rapport exclusif SonicWall 2022 sur les cybermenaces analyse en profondeur et à grande échelle les données des ransomwares et offre un aperçu des cyberattaques qui montent en puissance dans les différentes régions et structures.

The exclusive 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report offers deep analysis of large scale ransomware data, and offers insight into the cyberattacks that are cascading across different regions and verticals.

Today’s networks have never been more diverse and distributed. Zero-trust architecture offers a modern approach for security to meet modern work designs and tackle the cybersecurity challenges facing organizations.

Survival and continued growth often mean expanding services beyond traditional areas, being more agile and embracing work-from-anywhere policies. Most organizations expect to be fully deployed with a zero trust architecture within two years.

Hear from Osterman Research and SonicWall security experts as we discuss the importance of Zero-Trust.
Learn about:
• Threats, trends, and current issues elevating the need for zero trust
• How organizations are planning and deploying a zero-trust architecture
• Best practices and solutions to support the move to zero-trust

El exclusivo Informe de Ciberamenazas 2022 de SonicWall ofrece un análisis profundo de datos sobre ransomware a gran escala, así como información sobre los ciberataques en cascada entre diferentes regiones y sectores verticales.

Der exklusive SonicWall Cyber Threat Report 2022 bietet eine eingehende Analyse umfangreicher Ransomware-Daten sowie einen Einblick in die Cyberangriffe, die verschiedene Regionen und Märkte bedrohen.

Critical infrastructure attacks. Crypto pickpockets. Triple extortion. Ransomware delivered via snail mail.

From triple-digit spikes to new records to significant reversals, the stats found in the 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report are stories unto themselves. But behind every stat is a wealth of trends, tactics and developments ranging from the encouraging, to the terrifying, to the bizarre.

Join SonicWall cybersecurity experts James Musk and Stan Davidson as they explore:
• The latest on ransomware’s meteoric rise
• The locations and industries most targeted in 2021
• Why we’ve reached an inflection point in the war on cybercrime
• Business Email Compromise, Supply Chain Attacks, and more