Die DMEA – Connecting Digital Health in Berlin zählt zu Europas wichtigsten Events für Digital Health.

Unsere Experten von SonicWall freuen sich, Sie auf der DMEA zu treffen. Zusammen mit unseren Partnern Tarador und Stirnberg IT geben wir Ihnen im persönlichen Gespräch einen Überblick über unsere Top Themen:

Erkenntnisse von 1.1 Millionen Bedrohungssensoren: Cybergangs im Goldrausch, verstärktes agieren aus dem Schatten

Ganzheitlicher Schutz der Infrastruktur: Abwehr von gezielten Angriffen mit Advanced-Persistent-Threats und künstlicher Intelligenz

Supply-Chain-Angriffe: Umgang mit Dienstleistern in der Kette

• Erhöhung der Cyberresilienz durch ganzheitliche Sicherheitsplattform und Überprüfung der Cybersicherheitskenntnisse

• Absicherung Ihres Netzwerk-Edges: Effiziente Segmentierung und Inspektion verschlüsselter Verbindungen

Multi-Plattform Strategie: Entscheidung über Ihre Cloud-Nutzung und Sicherheitsverantwortung

• Compliance zur NIS2-Verordnung: Wichtig für KRITIS und Gesundheitswesen

• Minimierung von Software-Schwachstellen durch Virtual Patching: Schutz gegen LOG4J & Co. innerhalb weniger Stunden

• Live-Demos und Austausch mit erfahrenen Systems-Engineers

Vereinbaren Sie sich noch heute einen Gesprächstermin mit unseren Experten an unserem Stand in Halle 2.2, Stand F-103. 

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Berlin begrüßen zu dürfen!

Ihr SonicWall Team

Proporcione a todos los usuarios de su organización una experiencia de ciberseguridad mejorada, que refuerce su confianza y aplaque sus miedos. Las nuevas prestaciones y mejoras de SonicOS 7.1.1 crean una nueva ventaja atractiva en forma de una seguridad superior y una gestión más inteligente que nunca, al tiempo que reducen considerablemente su Coste total de propiedad (TCO). Después de esta sesión, tendrá muy claro por qué le conviene pasarse a Gen 7 cuanto antes.

Meet SonicWall at Scot-Secure, Scotland’s largest annual cyber security conference. The event brings together senior InfoSec personnel, IT leaders, academics, security researchers and law enforcement, providing a unique forum for knowledge exchange, discussion and high-level networking.

The programme is focused on improving awareness and best practice through shared learning: highlighting emerging threats, new research and changing adversarial tactics, and examining practical ways to improve resilience, detection and response.

Register here to book a meeting with the SonicWall team!

Le Forum InCyber est le principal événement européen sur les questions de la sécurité et de confiance numérique.

Sa singularité est de rassembler tout l’écosystème de la cybersécurité et du « numérique de confiance » : clients finaux, offreurs de services, éditeurs de solutions, consultants, forces de l’ordre et agences étatiques, écoles et universités…

Sa mission est de répondre à une double urgence :

  • Faire face aux défis opérationnels de la cybersécurité
  • Contribuer à la construction d’un futur numérique conforme aux valeurs et aux intérêts européens

Le Forum InCyber, c’est à la fois :

  • Un salon pour trouver des réponses opérationnelles à vos besoins
  • Un forum dédié au partage d’expériences et à la réflexion collective
  • Un sommet pour contribuer à la construction d’un espace numérique plus sûr

Visitez SonicWall sur le stand F36 !


Part two of this series delves into the importance of the organization’s operational processes as an integral part of its cybersecurity strategy. While technology and people often take center stage in most security practitioners’ conversations, the role of the process is an equally vital component in the three protection categories we cannot overlook.

This webinar explores how well-defined processes hardened the backbone of the organization’s security framework when correctly established. We will examine real-world examples and best practices to give attendees valuable insights into leveraging process-oriented strategies to:
– Manage risks better
– Increase operational efficiency
– Strengthen overall security posture

The School of Phish Master Program webinar series is thoughtfully prepared to help you better understand the various players behind the hacks, how they operate, and the necessary steps to stay ahead of your adversaries.

These steps are not considered a one-time task but an ongoing journey of continuous improvements that you can measure, tune, review, and repeat regularly. Why? Because your defenses need to evolve to keep pace with the advanced tactics threat actors utilize to exploit the three known weaknesses in your security – people, process, and technology.

Our expert panelists bring a combined 50+ years of extensive security expertise, sharing hard lessons learned from real-world experiences. And more importantly, they will share their insights and proven strategies, helping you prepare your response team to respond methodically and calmly. Whether you’re an IT professional, a security manager, or a business owner, this webinar series will provide you with valuable insights and actionable takeaways to better protect yourself and your organization from phishing attacks.

La Cybersecurity nell’era dell’AI è il titolo della 3^ edizione di CyberSec, la Conferenza internazionale promossa ed organizzata dal quotidiano Cybersecurity Italia.

Il convegno, che si terrà il 6 e 7 marzo 2024 a Roma, presso la Serra del Palazzo delle Esposizioni, offrirà, grazie al contributo di esperti di sicurezza cibernetica nazionali e internazionali, un ricco approfondimento sulle evoluzioni tecnologiche e normative della cybersicurezza e un ampio focus sulle frontiere dell’intelligenza artificiale per la cybersecurity.

La Conferenza sarà caratterizzata da challenge panel su una pluralità di sfide, tra cui:

  • La cybersicurezza e l’AI a sostegno della competitività dei Paesi.
  • La Cooperazione internazionale per mitigare i rischi cyber dell’intelligenza artificiale.
  • La regolazione europea e gli impegni del prossimo G7 a guida italiana nel 2024.
  • AI sicura, protetta e affidabile, basata su princìpi etici e sui nuovi standard di secure by design.
  • AI-Cyber-War: difesa e risposta in partnership tra aziende strategiche nell’Aerospazio, nella Difesa e nell’Intelligence.


Tra i relatori di CyberSec2024 vi saranno i rappresentanti istituzionali e i top manager delle aziende più rilevanti del settore provenienti dall’Italia e dagli altri Stati europei ed extra UE.


CyberSec è un evento a porte chiuse. È infatti possibile partecipare in presenza solo su invito da parte degli organizzatori e dei partner.

Il target di riferimento di CyberSec2024 sarà composto da rappresentanti istituzionali (Governo e Parlamento) e da personalità C-level delle aziende più rilevanti del panorama industriale italiano e internazionale.

La Conferenza sarà trasmessa anche in live streaming.


The first of this six-part series focuses on People and their role in the Importance of Three Categories of Protection. The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) states that “82% of breaches involved the human element. Whether it is the use of stolen credentials, phishing, misuse or simply error, people continue to play a very large role in incidents and breaches alike.”

In this webinar, we will explore the importance of people’s role in the overall cybersecurity strategy. This School of Phish Master’s Program is ideal for security professionals, IT managers, business leaders, and anyone interested in learning about the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices, such as:

– How attackers have evolved and blended their tactics to target human elements
– The importance of frequent cybersecurity training for people within the organization
– The importance and value of managing operational cyber risk

Our webinar panelists bring a combined 50+ years of extensive security expertise, sharing hard lessons learned from their real-world experiences. And more importantly, they will share their insights and proven strategies, helping you prepare your response team to respond methodically and calmly.

Register today for all 6 parts of the Master’s Program!

En immersion totale à Disneyland® Paris, l’événement IT Partners fédère la communauté du Channel IT, Télécoms & Audiovisuelle pour 48h de rendez-vous et d’échanges intensifs.

Visitez SonicWall sur le stand K33 d’Infinigate !

In the persistent landscape where cyberattacks frequently arise from covert phishing campaigns, SonicWall remains dedicated to furnishing actionable insights that enhance the cyber stance of organizations worldwide.

Building upon an exploration of the fundamental triad encompassing people, processes, and technology that presently shape email security, the SonicWall team now presents a closer look into the realm of the « Threat Actors Tackle Box. » This session is poised to unveil the tactics, techniques, and procedures wielded by threat actors, set against the backdrop of countermeasures deployable by administrators and service providers in defense. Audiences are invited to embark on a journey that unveils an engaging cat-and-mouse game, shedding light on the strategic thinking of cybercriminals and their network-targeting maneuvers. SonicWall’s experts will meticulously dissect cyber strategies in a narrative format, with the intent of rendering the content not only enlightening but also interactive. This content offering has been thoughtfully tailored for IT professionals, managed service providers (MSPs), and cybersecurity consultants.

IT & CYBERSECURITY MEETINGS est un salon One to One Meetings ayant pour objectif de faire se rencontrer en face to face des Professionnels de l’IT (constructeurs, éditeurs, opérateurs télécoms, fournisseurs d’infrastructures, professionnels de la mobilité et experts de la cybersecurité) avec des Acheteurs aux projets validés et vérifiés via des rendez-vous pré organisés grâce à notre plateforme digitale de matchage que nous développons depuis 2009 et étant reconnue aujourd’hui comme la meilleure du marché.

DSI, Direction informatique, Direction réseau et télécom, Direction productions IT, Direction des infrastructures, Direction technique et logistique IT et Direction Sécurité Informatique sont inscrites. Elles découvriront des concepts inédits, des innovations produits ou équipements et décrypteront les nouvelles tendances du marché de demain.

Visitez SonicWall sur le stand C08-D07 d’Infinigate !