Join members of the SonicWall leadership team for an exciting and informative afternoon dedicated to helping you drive success with SonicWall. Delve into the latest insights on our solution portfolio and product roadmap, gaining valuable knowledge to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. Explore our new partner program designed to empower your success and learn firsthand how our partners have built robust and profitable cybersecurity businesses with SonicWall.

But that’s not all! Experience the thrill of F1 simulators, indulge in delicious food and drinks, and forge valuable connections in a vibrant atmosphere. Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

MSP est l’une de nos plateformes à valeur ajoutée où les partenaires peuvent fournir des services de cybersécurité SonicWall en l’espace de quelques minutes à leurs clients et où les clients peuvent sélectionner SonicWall comme fournisseur de choix pour leurs besoins immédiats. Nous continuons de peaufiner notre offre et, dans cette série, nous présenterons une intégration de notre MSP avec d’autres technologies SonicWall pour en améliorer la convivialité, la gestion et la valeur. Vous aurez également l’opportunité de poser des questions. Découvrez pourquoi nos partenaires choisissent la plateforme MSP SonicWall.

Join members of the SonicWall leadership team for an exciting and informative afternoon dedicated to helping you drive success with SonicWall. Delve into the latest insights on our solution portfolio and product roadmap, gaining valuable knowledge to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. Explore our new partner program designed to empower your success and learn firsthand how our partners have built robust and profitable cybersecurity businesses with SonicWall.

But that’s not all! Experience the thrill of F1 simulators, indulge in delicious food and drinks, and forge valuable connections in a vibrant atmosphere. Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

NIS2 is currently on top of everyone’s agenda and is increasing uncertainty regarding compliance requirements. At the same time, we are experiencing a cybercriminal gold rush, fuelled by AI and automation. In this webinar, we will dive deeper into the subject matter of our previous webinar ‘NIS2 & Building a Holistic Security Architecture’ and cover the following topics:

Current cybercriminal attack patterns & routes
Building a holistic security architecture
Expected requirements of NIS2 for IT security
Which SonicWall products help to fulfil these requirements?
Top IT security priorities 2023/2024
Live demo incl. live hacking
Q&A webinar on the new NIS2 directive

This webinar offers you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge, find out about the latest developments in IT security and ask your questions directly to our experts.

Deliver an enhanced cybersecurity experience to every user in your organization, elevating their confidence and allaying their fears. The suite of new features and improvements in SonicOS 7.1.1 create compelling new advantage in superior security and smarter management than ever while significantly reducing your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). You’ll leave this session clearly understanding why you want to hasten your upgrade to Gen 7.

Bieten Sie allen Nutzern in Ihrer Organisation eine verbesserte Cybersecurity-Erfahrung, sodass sie sich entspannt zurücklehnen können. Mit seinen neuen Features und Verbesserungen bringt SonicOS 7.1.1 unübertroffene Vorteile wie eine überragende Sicherheit, eine intelligentere Verwaltung und deutlich niedrigere Gesamtbetriebskosten. Nach dieser Session werden Sie keine Zeit mehr verlieren wollen, um auf Gen 7 upzugraden!

Procurez à chaque utilisateur de votre entreprise une expérience de cybersécurité améliorée, qui renforcera leur confiance et dissipera leurs craintes. La gamme de nouvelles fonctionnalités et d’améliorations offertes par SonicOS 7.1.1 crée un avantage décisif grâce à une sécurité supérieure et une gestion plus intelligente que jamais, tout en réduisant sensiblement le coût total de possession (TCO). À l’issue de cette session, vous comprendrez parfaitement pourquoi vous devez passer au plus vite à la septième génération.

Join SonicWall at UK Cyber Week – Expo & Conference 2024! Stand F13

UK Cyber Week brings together world-class experts to demystify jargon, share the latest thinking, and equip attendees with the knowledge they need to protect their businesses. Whether you’re a cybersecurity veteran or new to the field, you’ll leave our event feeling empowered and ready to take action against cyber threats.

Top five reasons to attend:

  • Gain valuable insights into the most pressing cybersecurity risks facing your business. The programme is designed to address the real issues that impact you on a day-to-day basis, with no filler sessions or aimless panel discussions.
  • Learn proven strategies to overcome these risks and build a culture of security within your organisation that endures.
  • Identify the cybersecurity skills your business needs and learn how to acquire them, so you can stay ahead of evolving threats.
  • Meet and learn from world-class experts who are at the forefront of cybersecurity. Get actionable tips that you can implement right away to improve your security posture.
  • Network with like-minded leaders who are passionate about levelling up their cybersecurity and securing their businesses. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with industry peers and build lasting relationships.

Register now to book a meeting with the SonicWall Team or come and meet us at stand F13!

Meet SonicWall at The National Cyber Security Show, Birmingham!

The National Cyber Security Show is your gateway to a deeper understanding of the current and impending cyber threats.

Join us at the NEC in Birmingham to discover and acquire cutting-edge products and software solutions that will fortify your business against cyber risks, and have a chance to connect with industry-leading experts, learning directly from their invaluable insights.

Top reason to attend:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest cybersecurity threats, trends, and solutions in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.
  • Connect with industry-leading experts, cybersecurity professionals, and thought leaders, providing you with invaluable insights and networking opportunities.
  • Attend informative workshops and seminars delivered by experts to acquire practical knowledge and strategies for mitigating cyber risks effectively.
  • Explore a wide range of innovative cybersecurity products, software solutions, and technologies that can enhance your business’s security posture.

Register to book a meeting with the SonicWall Team at NCSS!

Offri un’esperienza di cybersecurity ottimizzata per aumentare la sicurezza e ridurre i timori degli utenti della tua organizzazione. La suite di nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti di SonicOS 7.1.1 offre nuovi vantaggi grazie alla maggiore sicurezza e alla gestione più intelligente, riducendo drasticamente gli investimenti necessari. Questa sessione ti aiuterà a capire perché conviene passare subito alla Gen 7.