Every day, black hat attackers and white hat researchers are discovering new security vulnerabilities in widely-used systems and applications that might be exploited to compromise your data. Are you aware of the newest – and potentially most impactful – vulnerabilities that have been discovered/disclosed? In this webinar, top researchers and experts discuss some of the most dangerous emerging vulnerabilities, and what you can do to prevent them from being exploited in your organization.

Cuando un ataque no es un ataque, es decir, cuando los equipos rojo, azul, morado, blanco y verde hacen su trabajo, ¿cuáles son las ventajas para su organización? ¿Es lo suficientemente resiliente contra los ciberataques? Hay 10,5 billones de razones por las que debería analizar más detalladamente estos ejercicios cruciales.
Obtenga más información del experto de SonicWall Borja de Hoz Nieto en el episodio 13 de MINDHUNTER.

Quand une attaque n’est pas une attaque : lorsque des équipes rouge, bleue, violette, blanche et verte se mettent en place, quels sont les avantages pour votre organisation ? Est-elle assez résistante aux cyberattaques ? Vous avez 10,5 billions de raisons de vous intéresser de plus près à ces exercices vitaux.
Apprenez-en plus avec l’expert SonicWall Guillaume Sevrin lors de cet épisode n° 13 de MINDHUNTER.

Quando un attacco non è realmente un attacco – con le squadre rossa, blu, viola, bianca e verde in competizione tra loro – quali sono i vantaggi per la vostra organizzazione? È abbastanza resiliente contro i cyber attacchi? Ci sono 10,5 miliardi di buoni motivi per cui vale la pena prendere in considerazione queste esercitazioni cruciali.
Scopri di più con l’esperto di SonicWall Federico Diamantini in questo episodio di MINDHUNTER #13.

When an attack is not an attack – when red, blue, purple, white, and green teaming is running – what are the benefits for your organization? Is it resilient enough against cyberattacks? There are 10.5 trillion reasons why you need to take a closer look at these crucial exercises.
Learn more with SonicWall expert Dion Phillips during this MINDHUNTER #13 episode.

Wenn ein Angriff kein Angriff ist: Welche Vorteile bieten Red-, Blue-, Purple-, White- und Green-Teaming-Übungen Ihrem Unternehmen? Ist Ihr Unternehmen in der Lage, Cyberangriffe abzuwehren? Es gibt 10,5 Billionen Gründe, warum Sie diese effektiven Übungen genauer unter die Lupe nehmen sollten.
Nehmen Sie an der MINDHUNTER-Folge 13 teil und erfahren Sie mehr über dieses Thema vom SonicWall-Experten Stephan Kaiser

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

Wanneer een aanval geen aanval is – wanneer rood, blauw, paars, wit en groen samenwerken – wat zijn dan de voordelen voor uw organisatie? Is zij weerbaar genoeg tegen cyberaanvallen? Er zijn 10,5 miljard redenen waarom u deze cruciale oefeningen onder de loep moet nemen.
Leer meer met SonicWall expert Pieter Wouters tijdens deze MINDHUNTER #13 episode.

In a world of uncertainty and constantly evolving threats, both customers and partners need a vendor that can provide an on-demand, flexible security services platform that only charges customers for the services they actually use.

Get the Stories Behind the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report from the author!

The data from the mid-year update to the 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report is in:
Ransomware is down, cryptojacking soars and global hotspots are shifting. But why? And what does this mean for the future of the threat landscape?
Join our Threat Report expert and author as she explores:
• The top cybercrime trends from the first half of 2023
• Which industries and locations were hit hardest (and where it’s getting worse)
• Why the forces behind threat reversals and accelerations may not be what you think