You probably know there are attackers willing to pay for access to your inbox. But did you know there are groups so sure they can gain access to your accounts that they offer a money-back guarantee?

Join SonicWall’s Ken Dang as he explores the sophisticated tools one advanced persistent threat organization uses to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass Microsoft Security — and reveal what it takes to keep them out of your inbox.

La ciencia ficción se ha hecho realidad. El metaverso es un nuevo ecosistema virtual y tridimensional en el que los usuarios pueden interactuar, trabajar, jugar y realizar transacciones económicas. Sin embargo, este mundo de ensueño también conlleva peligros que nos resultan familiares. Aprenda del experto en Ciberseguridad de SonicWall, Sebastián Yáñez, cómo puede garantizar la seguridad de todos los usuarios en los mundos virtual y real.

The 2022 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report revealed more than 20,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) were published in 2021, the first time in history that the number of CVEs has passed the 20,000 mark. The most serious of these vulnerabilities, those scored above nine on the 10-point scale, become entry points for cybercriminals, and attackers are increasingly utilizing this means of entry to deploy ransomware and steal data.

Watch now to hear our expert cover:
– Exploited threat vectors and what to look out for
– Critical zero-days used to wreak havoc on businesses and governments
– Actionable insights for you and your organization

Sciencefiction is werkelijkheid geworden. De metaverse is een nieuw virtueel en driedimensionaal ecosysteem waarin gebruikers met elkaar kunnen communiceren, werken, spelen, studeren en handelen. Er schuilen in deze droomwereld echter de vanouds bekende gevaren. Leer van René Bos, werkzaam als cybersecurity-expert bij SonicWall, hoe u iedereen veilig kunt houden in de virtuele en reële werelden.

Threat actors are more emboldened than ever, pushing effective phishing campaigns at an increasing rate in 2022. Their approach and methods continue to evolve. The crafting of malicious emails to effectively fool users is putting organizations at constant risk of a breach.

Listen to the panel discussion with our security experts to examine real-world examples of sophisticated phishing campaigns that reached users’ inboxes. They will offer insights and advice you want to take to avoid them.

According to Foundry, formerly IDG Communications, 92% of organizations currently host some or all of their mission critical applications and IT footprint in the cloud. But cloud environments continue to face a myriad of security threats including misconfiguration, lack of visibility, identity and unauthorized access.

In this panel discussion moderated by Clarify360’s Jo Peterson, tune into hear leading experts focus on specific takeaways that you and your team can put in place to now to ensure your cloud footprint is secure for the upcoming year.
– Cloud security roadmap;
– Cloud security posture management;
– Zero trust network access (ZTNA);
– SDLC and DevSecOps within the cloud;
– The need for centralized platforms;
– Increased investment in intelligent security;
– Increased investment in certification and cross training of your team.

Teena Piccone (Google)
Iain Clarke (PayPal Invest)
Charles Johnson (Coalfire)
Stan Davidson (SonicWall)

Obwohl die erste bekannte Ausgabe 2.000 Jahre alt ist, enthält Die Kunst des Krieges von Sunzi Strategien, die Ihre IT-Teams heute auf die Cybersicherheit anwenden können. Wir haben diese „Kunst“ untersucht, um besser zu verstehen, wie Militärstrategen ein traditionelles Schlachtfeld sehen und wie wir Ressourcen einsetzen können, um Angriffe von Ransomware-Gruppen oder staatlich geförderten Hackern sowie andere Bedrohungen effektiver abzuwehren. Erfahren Sie vom SonicWall-Cybersecurity-Experten Robert Wislsperger , wie wir die Strategien aus dem Buch Die Kunst des Krieges auf unsere Welt übertragen haben, in der die Cyberkriegsführung eine Realität ist.

Although the first known copy dates back 2,000 years, Sun Tzu’s Art of War book contains strategies that your IT teams can apply to today’s state of cybersecurity. We’ve studied the « art » to appreciate how military strategists may look at a traditional battlefield and deploy resources so that we’re more effective at sustaining attacks from ransomware gangs, state-sponsored hackers, and other threats. Learn from SonicWall Cybersecurity expert Tudor Florescu about how we translated the strategies of the Art of War into our world where Cyber Warfare is a reality

Bien que le premier exemplaire connu ait 2 000 ans, l’Art de la guerre de Sun Tzu contient des stratégies que vos équipes informatiques peuvent appliquer aujourd’hui à la cybersécurité. Nous avons étudié « l’art » pour comprendre comment les stratèges militaires considèrent un champ de bataille traditionnel et déployer nos ressources de manière à être plus efficaces pour faire face aux attaques des gangs de ransomware, des pirates informatiques sponsorisés par des États et d’autres menaces. Découvrez avec Guillaume Sevrin, expert en cybersécurité SonicWall, comment nous avons transposé les stratégies de l’Art de la guerre dans notre monde où la cyberguerre est une réalité.

Si bien la primera copia conocida se remonta a hace 2.000 años, el libro El arte de la guerra de Sun Tzu contiene estrategias que sus equipos de TI pueden aplicar al estado actual de la ciberseguridad. Hemos estudiado el « arte » para apreciar cómo los estrategas militares ven un campo de batalla tradicional e implementar recursos destinados a aumentar nuestra eficacia a la hora de hacer frente a ataques de grupos de ransomware, hackers con patrocinio estatal, y otras amenazas. Reserve su plaza y aprenda del experto en ciberseguridad de SonicWall Sebastián Yáñez cómo hemos traducido las estrategias del Arte de la guerra a nuestro mundo, en el que la ciberguerra es una realidad.