Configuring the SonicWall SSO Agent 4.x Software


The SonicWall SSO Agent communicates with workstations using NetAPI or WMI, which both provide information about users that are logged into a workstation, including domain users, local users, and Windows services. Be sure that WMI or NetAPI is installed prior to configuring the SonicWall SSO Agent.

For instructions on installing SSO Agent 4.x software refer to the following article:
Installing the SonicWall SSO Agent 4.x Software


When using Single Sign-on, SSO agent tries to identify the logged in user by querying the workstations using NETAPI or WMI protocols. NETAPI and WMI require "file & print sharing" enabled on the end workstations.

To configure the communication properties of the SonicWall SSO Agent 4.x, perform the following tasks:

Step 1: Launch the SonicWall Configuration Tool by double-clicking the desktop shortcut or by navigating to Start | All Programs | SonicWall | SonicWall Directory Connector | SonicWall Configuration Tool.

Step 2: In the left-hand navigation panel, right click the SonicWall SSO Agent and select Properties. Configuration settings will display in the right panel.

Step 3: In the right pane in the Host IP field, select one ip from the pull-down menu.
Note: If the host IP address is, it accepts packets from any interface. The default value of the IP address is 

Step 4:Select the desired port for the port field. The SSO Agent uses UDP port 2258 to receive the SSO protocol packets by default.  

Step 5: Select the desired port for the Sync port field. The SSO Agent uses TCP port 2260 to receive the agent synchronize datagram by default.

Step 6: From the Logging Level pull-down menu, select the level of events to be logged in the log file under the installation directory. The default logging level is 2.

Step 7:To save information about previously identified users when the SSO Agent service is restarted, select the Preserve Users During Restart checkbox.

Step 8: In the Client Probing Method field, select one of the following options:

  • Disable
  • Probe user using NetAPI
  • Probe user using WMI
  • Probe user using NetAPI first, then WMI
  • Probe user using WMI first, then NetAPI

Note: NetAPI will provide faster, though possibly slightly less accurate, performance. WMI will provide slower, though possibly more accurate, performance. The default option is Probe user using NetAPI first, then WMI.

Step 9: In the Domain name type field, select one of the following options:

  • NetBIOS Domain Name
  • FQDN Domain Name

Note UTM can handle both the domain name type automatically. The default option is NetBIOS Domain Name.

Step 10: Click Apply.

Step 11: Click OK.

For Instructions on Adding a SonicWall Security Appliance to SSO Agent please review the following article:How to Add a SonicWall Security Appliance to the SSO Agent Software?


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