The following ports are used in the SonicWall UTM appliance.
Description | Protocol | Port number |
CASS (Anti-Spam) | TCP | 25 |
CASS (Anti-Spam) | TCP | 10025 |
Content Filter (CFS) | UDP | 2257 |
Content Filter (CFS) | UDP | 53 |
Dashboard | TCP | 80 |
DHCP Server | UDP | 67/68 |
DPI Signature Updates (IPS/GAV/ASW) | TCP | 443 |
Flow Reporting | UDP | 2055 |
Gateway Anti-virus (GAV) CloudAV Port No. | UDP | 2259 |
GMS | UDP | 514 |
HTTP Management | TCP | 80 |
HTTPS Management | TCP | 443 |
LDAP | TCP | 389 |
LDAPS | TCP | 636 |
License Synchronization | TCP | 443 |
Log name resolution (DNS) | UDP | 53 |
Log name resolution (NetBIOS) | TCP | 135/137/139 |
NTP | UDP | 123 |
RADIUS | TCP | 1812 |
Secure Backup | TCP | 59160 |
Setup Tool | UDP | 26214 |
Single Sign On | UDP | 2258 |
SNMP | UDP | 161/162 |
SSH Management | TCP | 22 |
SSLVPN / Virtual Assist | TCP | 4433 |
TSA | UDP | 2259 |
Viewpoint | UDP | 514 |
VPN | ESP | (Protocol 50) |
VPN | UDP | 500 |
VPN | UDP | 4500 |
WAN Failover and Load balancing - Probing | TCP | 50000 |
WAN Failover and Load balancing - Probing | ICMP | Port 8 |
WXA | TCP | 135/137/139/445 |