
产品支持生命周期表描述了 SonicWall 产品有资格获得产品支持和新发布下载的阶段。此处未列出的型号被认为是最新的,尚未进入支持结束生命周期。


TZ 系列
NSA 系列
安全移动访问 100 Series
安全移动访问 1000 Series
NSsp Series
NSv series
SuperMassive 系列
WAN 加速装置 (WXA) 系列
Network Security Manager (NSM) On-Prem
Wireless Access Points




Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-05-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2021-05-02
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-05-03
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-05-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-05-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2021-03-02
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-03-03
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-03-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-03-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2021-03-02
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-03-03
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-03-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-03-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2021-03-02
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-03-03
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-03-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-03-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2019-03-07
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2019-03-08
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2021-03-07
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2023-03-07
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2021-03-08
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2024-03-07
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2024-03-08
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
(Japan Model)
Last Order Day 2016-12-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-01-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-12-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-01-01
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-01-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-12-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
(Japan Model)
Last Order Day 2016-08-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-09-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
(Japan Model)
Last Order Day 2016-08-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-09-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-08-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-08-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-08-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-08-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-08-31
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-08-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-08-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-08-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-08-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-08-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-08-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-09-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-08-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-08-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-08-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-08-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-08-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-08-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-08-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2016-08-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2014-04-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2014-05-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2016-04-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2018-04-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2016-05-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2019-04-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2019-05-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2013-05-20
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2013-06-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2015-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2017-05-19
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2015-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2018-05-18
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2018-05-19
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2013-05-16
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2013-05-14
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2015-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2017-05-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2015-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2018-05-14
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2018-05-15
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2013-05-13
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2013-04-13
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2015-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2017-05-12
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2015-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2018-05-11
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2018-05-12
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2012-04-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-05-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-04-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2016-04-29
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-05-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2017-04-28
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2017-04-29
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2012-04-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-05-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-04-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2018-04-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-05-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2019-04-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2019-05-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Model NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/12/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 9/6/2023
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active General Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/19/2023
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-03-12
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/2/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/19/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 1/31/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 06/12/2021
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/01/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/29/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/07/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 07/19/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/07/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/21/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 01/10/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-21
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/15/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-21
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650, NSa6650, NSa9250, NSa9450, NSa9650
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 06/29/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-05-15
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/24/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2022-03-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active General Release
End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade N/A
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/19/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600,  NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650, NSa3650, NSa4650, NSa5650
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/17/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 1/03/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/21/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-05-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600, NSa2650
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/8/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-05-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/2/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/31/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/31/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2020-03-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/2/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/8/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/22/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/21/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/28/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
SonicOS & older 6.x versions
Model NSA2600, NSA3600, NSA4600, NSA5600, NSA6600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/11/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/07/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/25/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/07/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 07/19/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-04-07
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active
End of Development
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 04/05/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2020-01-19
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 02/20/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-10-05
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-20
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSA220, NSA220W, NSA240, NSA2400, NSA2400MX, NSA250M, NSA250MW, NSA3500, NSA4500, NSA5000
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/31/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active (upgrade recommended)
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/12/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 9/6/2023
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active General Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/19/2023
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-03-12
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/2/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/19/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 1/31/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 06/12/2021
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/01/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/29/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/07/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 07/19/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, SOHO 250, SOHO 250W, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ350, TZ350W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/07/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/21/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300P, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600, TZ600P
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 01/10/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-21
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/15/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-21
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 06/29/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-05-15
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/24/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2022-03-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active General Release
End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade N/A
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/19/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/17/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 1/03/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/21/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-05-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/8/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-05-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/2/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/31/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/31/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2020-03-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/2/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/8/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/22/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/21/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/28/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
SonicOS & older 6.x versions
Model SOHOW, TZ300, TZ300W, TZ400, TZ400W, TZ500, TZ500W, TZ600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/11/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/07/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/25/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/07/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 07/19/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-04-07
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active
End of Development
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 04/05/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2020-01-19
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 02/20/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-10-05
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-20
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SOHO, TZ100, TZ100W, TZ105, TZ105W, TZ200, TZ200W, TZ205, TZ205W, TZ210, TZ210W, TZ215, TZ215W
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/31/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active (upgrade recommended)
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2021-07-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SOHO 250
Last Order Day 2021-07-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2020-01-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2020-01-23
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2022-01-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2022-01-23
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2025-01-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2021-07-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2021-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
300W (AC Model)
Last Order Day 2020-01-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2020-01-23
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2022-01-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2024-01-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2022-01-23
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2025-01-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2025-01-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2020-01-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2020-01-23
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2022-01-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2024-01-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2022-01-23
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2025-01-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2025-01-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2020-01-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2020-01-23
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2022-01-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2024-01-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2022-01-23
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2025-01-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2025-01-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
(Japan Model)
Last Order Day 2016-08-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-09-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2016-06-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-06-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-06-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-06-01
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-06-02
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-06-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-07-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2012-05-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-06-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2016-05-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2017-05-29
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2017-05-30
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2012-05-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-06-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2016-05-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2017-05-29
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2017-05-30
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
(Japan Model)
Last Order Day 2016-08-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-09-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-08-05
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-08-06
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-08-05
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-08-05
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-08-06
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-08-05
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-08-06
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-06-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-07-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-06-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-06-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-07-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-06-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-07-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2013-01-14
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2013-01-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2015-01-14
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2017-01-13
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2015-01-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2018-01-12
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2018-01-13
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2013-01-14
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2013-01-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2015-01-14
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2017-01-13
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2015-01-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2018-01-12
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2018-01-13
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
(Japan Model)
Last Order Day 2016-08-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-08-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-08-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-09-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2021-08-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2021-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-09-10
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-09-11
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-09-10
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-09-10
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-09-11
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-09-10
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-09-11
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-07-28
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-09-27
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2017-07-28
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2019-07-28
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-07-29
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2020-07-28
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-07-29
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2012-11-16
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-11-17
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-11-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2016-11-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-11-17
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2017-11-14
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2017-11-15
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2012-11-16
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-11-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-11-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2016-11-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-11-17
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2017-11-14
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2017-11-15
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/12/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 9/6/2023
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active General Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/19/2023
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-03-12
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/2/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/19/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 1/31/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 06/12/2021
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/01/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2023-09-06
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/29/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/07/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 07/19/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/07/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 05/21/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 01/10/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-21
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/15/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-21
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 06/29/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-05-15
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/24/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2022-03-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active General Release
End Of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade N/A
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/19/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/17/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 1/03/2018
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/21/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-05-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/8/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-05-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/2/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/31/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/31/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2020-03-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/2/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/8/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 11/22/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-01-31
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/21/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type ER
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/28/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
SonicOS & older 6.x versions
Model SM9200, SM9400, SM9600
Type FR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 3/11/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2018-07-30
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
SM 9800
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-02-19
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-02-19
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9600
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-02-19
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-02-19
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9400
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-02-19
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-02-19
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9200
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-02-19
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-02-19
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 7200
Last Order Day 2022-06-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2024-08-01
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2025-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2025-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 6200
Last Order Day 2019-07-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2019-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2021-07-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2023-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2021-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2024-07-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2024-08-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2018-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2018-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2020-09-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2020-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2020-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2023-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2023-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
E-Class SRA EX7000
Last Order Day 2016-10-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-11-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-10-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2018-10-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-11-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2019-10-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2019-11-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
E-Class SRA EX6000
Last Order Day 2016-10-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-11-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-10-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2018-10-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-11-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2019-10-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2019-11-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2010-05-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2010-06-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2012-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2012-05-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2012-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2013-05-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2013-06-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2009-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2009-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2011-09-30
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2011-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2012-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2012-09-30
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2012-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2009-04-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2009-04-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2011-03-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2011-03-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2011-04-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2012-03-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2012-04-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2007-10-16
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2007-10-17
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2009-12-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2009-12-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2010-01-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2010-12-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2011-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA v12.4.3
Full Support Date 2024-02-22
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2026-01-31
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2026-06-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.4.2
Full Support Date 2022-07-15
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-03-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-08-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.4.1
Full Support Date 2021-06-18
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-09-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-06-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.4.0
Full Support Date 2020-03-05
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-07-05
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-08-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.3
Full Support Date 2019-04-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2020-07-31
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-01-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.2
Full Support Date 2018-09-15
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2019-09-15
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2020-03-15
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.1
Full Support Date 2017-09-25
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-10-31
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-03-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v12.0.1
Full Support Date 2017-04-27
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2018-04-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2018-10-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v11.4
Full Support Date 2016-04-13
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2018-11-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2019-11-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v11.3
Full Support Date 2015-10-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2016-06-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v11.2
Full Support Date 2015-04-15
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2015-11-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v11.1
Full Support Date 2014-09-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2015-06-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.7.2
Full Support Date 2015-02-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2017-03-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/07/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/25/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/07/2020
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Maintenance Release
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 07/19/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-04-07
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active
End of Development
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 04/05/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2020-01-19
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 02/20/2019
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-10-05
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 10/25/2017
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2019-08-20
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End Of Support
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSAE5500, NSAE6500, NSAE7500, NSAE8500, NSAE8510
Type GR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/31/2016
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2021-01-09
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active (upgrade recommended)
End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade TZ 270 series, TZ 370 series
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
SMA 410
Last Order Day 2024-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2024-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2025-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 410
(Japan & China Models)
Last Order Day 2024-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2024-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2028-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2026-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2029-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 210
Last Order Day 2024-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2024-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2025-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 210
(Japan & China Models)
Last Order Day 2024-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2024-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2028-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2026-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2029-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 500v
Last Order Day 2024-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2024-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2025-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 500v
(Japan & China Models)
Last Order Day 2025-03-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2024-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2028-09-30
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2026-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2029-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 400
Last Order Day 2019-06-17
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2019-06-18
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2021-06-17
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2024-06-17
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2021-06-18
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2024-06-17
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2025-06-18
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA 200
Last Order Day 2019-06-17
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2019-06-18
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2021-06-17
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2024-06-17
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2021-06-18
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2024-06-17
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2025-06-18
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SRA 4600
Last Order Day 2016-10-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-11-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-10-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2018-10-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-11-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2019-10-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2019-11-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SRA 1600
Last Order Day 2016-10-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2016-11-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2018-10-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2018-10-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2018-11-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2019-10-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2019-11-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SRA 1200
Last Order Day 2013-03-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2013-04-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2015-03-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2015-03-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2015-04-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2016-03-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2016-04-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SRA 4200
Last Order Day 2012-12-10
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2012-12-11
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2014-12-10
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2015-03-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2014-12-11
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2016-03-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2016-04-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2011-02-28
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2011-03-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2011-11-07
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2011-11-07
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2011-11-08
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2014-02-28
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2014-03-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SSL-VPN 4000
Last Order Day 2010-05-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2010-06-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2012-05-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2012-05-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2012-06-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2013-05-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2013-06-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SSL-VPN 2000
Last Order Day 2010-02-28
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2010-03-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2012-02-28
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2012-02-28
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2012-03-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2013-02-28
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2013-03-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SMA v10.2.1.7
Full Support Date 2023-03-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.6
Full Support Date 2022-08-24
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-03-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-03-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.5
Full Support Date 2022-04-25
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-03-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-03-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.4
Full Support Date 2022-02-02
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-03-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-03-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.3
Full Support Date 2021-11-25
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-03-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-03-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.2
Full Support Date 2021-10-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-11-25
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-11-25
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.1
Full Support Date 2021-08-23
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-11-25
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-11-25
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.1.0
Full Support Date 2021-08-25
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-11-25
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-11-25
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.0.x
Full Support Date 2020-04-30
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-10-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-10-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v10.2.0.0
Full Support Date 2020-02-18
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-10-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-10-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v9.0.0.x
Full Support Date 2018-09-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2020-10-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-10-31
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v8.6.0.x
Full Support Date 2017-09-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2019-06-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2019-09-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v8.5.0.x
Full Support Date 2016-10-31
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2019-06-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2019-09-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v8.1.0.x
Full Support Date 2015-12-10
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2019-06-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2019-09-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
SMA v8.0.0.x
Full Support Date 2015-03-30
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2016-06-30
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2019-09-30
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
WXA 4000
Last Order Day 2017-10-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2017-11-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2019-10-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2021-10-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2019-11-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2022-10-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2022-11-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
WXA 2000
Last Order Day 2017-10-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2017-11-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2019-10-31
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2021-10-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2019-11-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2022-10-31
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2022-11-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
3.10.0 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2025-01-16
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-04-16
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-07-16
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.10.0 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2025-01-16
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-04-16
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-07-16
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.9.1 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2024-10-10
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-01-10
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-04-10
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.9.1 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2024-10-10
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-01-10
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-04-10
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.8 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2024-04-22
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-07-22
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-01-22
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.8 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2024-04-22
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-07-22
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-01-22
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.11 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2024-01-15
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-04-15
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-07-15
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.10 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2023-12-14
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-03-14
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-06-14
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.10 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2023-11-14
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-02-14
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-05-14
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.9 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2023-07-28
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-10-28
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-01-28
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.8 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2023-04-27
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-08-27
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-11-27
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.8 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2023-04-21
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-08-21
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-11-21
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.7 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2023-02-13
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-05-13
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-08-13
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.6 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2023-02-14
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-05-14
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-08-14
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.6 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2023-01-19
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-04-19
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-07-19
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.5 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2022-09-08
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-03-08
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-06-08
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.5 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2022-07-28
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-01-28
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-04-28
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.4 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2022-06-21
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-07-12
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-12-21
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.4 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2022-05-15
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-08-15
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-11-15
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.3 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2022-04-14
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-07-13
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-10-12
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.7.2 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2022-03-02
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-06-02
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-09-02
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.6.34 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2021-12-15
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-03-15
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-03-15
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.6.32 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2021-10-22
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-01-22
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-04-22
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.6.30 (Windows)
Full Support Date 2021-10-22
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-12-10
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-03-10
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
3.6.30 (macOS)
Full Support Date 2021-09-10
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-12-10
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-03-10
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
NSsp 12800
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-02-19
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-02-19
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
NSsp 12400
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2023-02-19
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-02-19
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Model NSsp12400, NSsp12800
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 8/22/2024
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status Active Release
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSsp12400, NSsp12800
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 4/26/2022
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2024-08-22
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Model NSsp12400, NSsp12800
Type MR
A complete explanation of release types is available at the bottom of this page. (GR) General Release: General Release software is a mature, widely deployed and proven release, used for production environments. (FR) Feature Release: Feature Release software is a new release that introduces major new features in the product. (MR) Maintenance Release: Maintenance Release software includes bug fixes and enhancements made to a previous release (IR) Initial Release: Initial release software is the first release of a new product. (ER) Early Release: This is software that includes incremental changes to a previous release. (Hotfix) Hotfix Release: Contains the latest fixes and patches, and are provided to customers who are looking to address specific issues.
Release Date 7/16/2021
The date the firmware was released
EOS Date 2022-04-26
End of Support (EOS) is the date which SonicWall will cease support for the related firmware including fixes or upgrades. A recommended upgrade path is suggested for any firmware version approaching the EOS phase. Should a technical issue arise with firmware during the EOS phase, customers will be required to upgrade to a supported firmware version.
Status End of Maintenance
The status field indicates whether or not a firmware version is considered Active. - Active: This firmware version is considered current and is fully supported. - Upgrade Recommended: This firmware version is approaching its EOS (End of Support) date. A recommended upgrade path is provided for all firmware versions approaching EOS.
Recommended Ugprade
The recommended upgrade section shows the supported upgrade path from an earlier version of firmware to the latest version of SonicOS firmware. Please consult our Upgrade Guides before completing any firmware upgrades.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-15
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-16
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-15
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-04-15
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-16
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2026-04-15
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-04-16
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
MC Windows
Full Support Date 2017-03-31
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2019-11-16
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-08-15
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5.7
Full Support Date 2024-08-26
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-02-26
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-08-26
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5.6
Full Support Date 2024-04-23
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-10-23
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-04-23
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5.5
Full Support Date 2024-02-27
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-08-27
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-02-27
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5.4
Full Support Date 2023-11-06
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-05-06
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-11-06
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5.3
Full Support Date 2023-09-26
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-03-26
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-09-26
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5.2
Full Support Date 2023-07-12
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-01-12
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-07-12
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics - Hotfix 3
Full Support Date 2023-07-11
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-01-11
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-07-11
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Analytics 2.5
Full Support Date 2019-12-23
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2020-06-23
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2020-12-23
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Last Order Day 2022-04-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-04-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2027-04-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-04-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-04-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-04-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2027-04-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-04-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-07-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-07-02
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-07-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2027-07-02
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-07-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-07-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-07-02
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-07-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2027-07-02
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-07-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-07-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End 2024-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-07-02
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-07-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
LRM End 2027-07-02
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-07-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
GMS 9.4.2
Full Support Date 2024-09-23
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-03-23
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-09-23
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.4.1
Full Support Date 2024-06-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-12-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-06-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.4.0
Full Support Date 2024-04-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-10-29
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-04-29
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3.4
Full Support Date 2023-11-06
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-05-06
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-11-06
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3.3-1
Full Support Date 2023-08-09
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-02-09
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-08-09
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3.2 SP1
Full Support Date 2023-02-21
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-08-21
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-02-21
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3.2
Full Support Date 2022-10-10
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-04-10
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-10-10
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3.1 SP2
Full Support Date 2022-02-17
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-08-17
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-02-17
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3 SP1
Full Support Date 2021-04-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-10-29
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-04-29
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3.0-16
Full Support Date 2021-02-08
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-08-08
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2022-02-08
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
GMS 9.3
Full Support Date 2020-11-24
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2021-05-24
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2021-11-24
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Last Order Day 2022-04-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-04-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-04-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-04-22
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-04-22
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-04-22
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-04-22
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-04-23
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-07-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-07-02
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-07-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-07-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-07-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-07-02
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-07-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-07-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2022-07-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-07-02
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2026-07-02
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2024-07-03
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2027-07-02
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2019-03-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2019-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2021-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2020-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2022-07-31
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2019-03-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2019-08-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2021-07-31
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2020-08-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2022-07-31
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-09-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-10-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-10-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-10-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2015-02-01
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-03-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-03-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-03-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
N Dual Radio
Last Order Day 2014-12-20
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2015-01-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2017-01-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2020-01-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
N Dual-Band
Last Order Day 2010-07-30
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2010-09-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2012-09-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2013-09-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2009-09-09
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2009-09-10
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2011-04-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2012-03-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Last Order Day 2009-03-31
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2009-04-01
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2011-04-01
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2012-03-01
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9800
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9600
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9400
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
SM 9200
Last Order Day 2022-02-19
Last Order Day is the last day to order the product from SonicWall and signifies SonicWall's intent to start the end of life process. The duration of this phase is variable and depends on numerous factors including material availability, SonicWall and channel inventory and end-user demand. Last Day Order is informational only; products in this phase are active. SonicWall continues to sell support contracts.
ARM Begin 2022-02-20
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
Last ARM End
Active Retirement Mode is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it is no longer actively manufacturing or selling the product. Products in ARM are removed from all price lists and marketing collateral at this time. Support contracts for products in this phase will remain on price lists and will continue to be available for purchase until the phase has ended. During this time SonicWall may release a limited number of new features and will issue bug fixes only to the latest version of firm
1 Year LOD 2025-02-20
1-Year Support Last Order Day represents the final day to purchase a 1-year support contract or subscription service that bundles support from SonicWall. Partners and customers may purchase and activate the 1-year support contract so that the product will be eligible to receive support until the product has reached End of Support.
LRM Begin 2023-02-20
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
Limited Retirement Mode (LRM) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer develop or release firmware updates or new features for these products. Software and firmware support for products in LRM is limited to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities. Software/firmware support and hardware warranty are available throughout LRM for products with an active support contract. The duration of this phase is three years beginning one day after the end of Active Retirement Mode.
End of Support 2026-02-20
End of Support (EOS) is an announcement by SonicWall to indicate that it will no longer provide technical support, firmware updates/upgrades or hardware replacement for the product, and that all remaining unique inventory or materials will become unavailable. SonicWall may continue to offer security service subscriptions such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Prevention during the End of Support phase, but it will no longer provide technical support for the product or any security service running on it. Should a technical issue arise on one of the subscription services that is offered during the End of Support phase, customers may be required to transition to an upgrade product at their own cost. Certain remaining entitlements on the End of Support appliance may be transitioned to the upgrade appliance upon request.
Full Support Date 2024-12-17
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-06-17
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-12-17
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2024-09-16
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-03-16
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-09-16
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2024-08-27
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2025-02-27
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-08-27
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2024-05-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-11-29
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2025-05-29
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2023-11-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-05-29
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-11-29
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2023-10-05
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2024-04-05
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-10-05
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2022-11-14
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2023-06-14
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2024-06-14
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2022-03-29
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-09-29
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-09-29
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.
Full Support Date 2021-12-01
Fully supported, generally available release/version. Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases. Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release. Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development. Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.
Limited Support Date 2022-06-01
Limited Support Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes. No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at SonicWall's discretion. Enhancement requests are not accepted. Customers are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on Full Support .
Support Discontinued Date 2023-06-01
Discontinued versions which are retired or discontinued. No new patches or fixes will be created for this release. Not available for download from Support Portal. Support will be provided to assist with upgrading to a supported version. Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.

SonicWall 产品包含五个发布后阶段:

  • 最后一天订购 (LDO)
  • 主动撤回 (ARM)
  • 一年支持最后一天订购
  • 有限撤回模式 (LRM)
  • 支持结束 (EOS)

最后一天订购 (LDO) 是表示我们打算开始生命周期结束过程的提前通知。LDO 仅供参考,本阶段的产品是活跃的,并继续销售支持合同。

主动撤回模式 (ARM) 是一项公告,表明我们不再主动制造或销售产品。本阶段的产品支持合同将继续可用。在此期间,我们可能会发布数量有限的新功能,并将仅针对设备最新版本的固件发布缺陷修复程序。具有有效支持合同的产品在整个 ARM 中都可获得支持。ARM 的持续时间是从最后一天订购结束后第一天开始的两年。

一年支持最后一天订购是从 SonicWall 合作伙伴购买一年支持合同或捆绑支持的订阅服务的最后一天。您可以购买并激活一年支持合同,使产品有资格获得支持,直到产品达到支持结束为止。

有限撤回模式 (LRM) 是一项公告,表明我们将不再开发或发布这些产品的固件更新或新功能。LRM 中产品的软件和固件支持仅限于严重的缺陷和安全漏洞。此阶段的持续时间是从主动撤回模式结束后的第一天开始的三年。

支持结束 (EOS) 是一项公告,表明我们将不再为产品提供技术支持、固件更新/升级或硬件更换,并且所有剩余的独特库存或材料都将不可用。我们可能会在支持结束阶段继续提供安全服务订阅,但不再为产品或其上运行的任何安全服务提供技术支持。

SonicWall 软件的三个发布后阶段:

  • 完全支持
  • 有限支持
  • 中断支持

完全支持 – 普遍可用的发布/版本。此发布的改进请求被接受,可能会在将来的发布中考虑。定期为此发布提供维护发布和/或修补程序。支持和开发完全支持发布/版本。发布/版本可从支持门户下载。

有限支持 – 该支持类别可用于此发布/版本,我们将尽力提供已知的解决方法或修补程序。除非在极端情况下以及 SonicWall 自行决定,否则不会生成新的代码修复。不接受改进请求。鼓励客户计划升级至“完全支持”的发布/版本。


我们的软件/固件发布模式可帮助您在决定将哪个软件或固件版本加载到装置上时做出正确的选择。有关不同发布的信息,请参阅下文;如果您在选择适合您的发布时需要帮助,请联系您当地的 SonicWall 合作伙伴或销售代表。


功能发布:功能发布软件是一个新发布,介绍了产品中的主要新功能。功能发布已通过多个全面的工程、质量、alpha 和 beta 测试周期,是一种普遍适用的发布。功能发布可在满足成熟度标准后变为一般发布。请参阅发行说明了解主要功能列表。



