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SonicWall Awarded California Statewide Contracts, Expands Presence in State, Local Government Markets

PRESS RELEASE – February 26, 2019

MILPITAS, Calif. —  SonicWall, the trusted security partner protecting more than 1 million networks worldwide, today announced it has received the California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS), allowing state agencies and local governments to streamline purchasing and ensure the payment of appropriate prices for information technology and non-information technology products and services.

“SonicWall is dedicated to providing our partners every available competitive advantage during the selling process and reduce obstacles they may face,” said SonicWall General Manager John Mullen. “We look forward to working with them as a CMAS contractor to bring proven cyber security defenses to California’s highly depended upon state and local agencies that provide a range of services to the community.”

As part of the State of California Department of General Services Procurement Division, vendors that are among the CMAS Unit have the capability of offering goods and services that have been competitively bid and awarded on a Federal General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule. Established in 1949, the GSA is an independent agency of the United States government created to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies.

“SonicWall’s CMAS contract gives us the ability to increase the number of bids and opportunities needed for E-Rate eligible entities without complex bidding processes that can impact a team’s productivity and bandwidth,” said Napa Valley Networks President and Founding Partner Julie Neely. “Agencies will now know upon approach that they are working with a vendor that is proven, approved and hassle free.”

The E-Rate program was established by the Federal Communications Commission to provide eligible schools and libraries funding for telecommunications, Internet access and internal connections. SonicWall’s team of E-Rate funding experts ensure K-12 IT network managers have the tools to protect their student and faculty data while maintaining safe, technology-savvy learning environment.

For more information on the E-Rate program and how best to utilize its funding visit, or,

About SonicWall

SonicWall has been fighting the cybercriminal industry for over 27 years defending small and medium businesses, enterprises and government agencies worldwide. Backed by research from SonicWall Capture Labs, our award-winning, real-time breach detection and prevention solutions secure more than a million networks, and their emails, applications and data, in over 215 countries and territories. These organizations run more effectively and fear less about security. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

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