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SonicWall and Dell EMC Announce OEM Launch of Next-Generation Firewall and Global Management Systems Software Portfolio

PRESS RELEASE – August 22, 2017

Today, SonicWall announced that Dell EMC will OEM and resell its next-generation cyber security firewall solutions in the United States and Canada.  Building on a long-time partnership and resale relationship, Dell EMC will be offering the powerful combination of SonicWall’s innovative threat protection technology and Dell EMC’s broad set of solutions from the data center all the way to endpoint devices.

Products in the Dell EMC/SonicWall OEM portfolio include:

This new SonicWall OEM security offering helps Dell EMC provide more technology choices to address its customers’ critical network security needs.  Dell EMC and SonicWall will work collaboratively to execute their shared vision of securing customer networks from cyberattacks.

“The combination of Dell EMC solutions and SonicWall adds exceptional value to the Dell EMC customer and partner community.  With today’s threat landscape, it is critical to address customers’ security needs as they are moving to the cloud, extending their networks and storage solutions and moving to more mobile and IoT environments. SonicWall’s innovative network security solutions, backed by the Dell EMC ProSupport and ProDeploy support and services provide an ideal combination to meet today’s stringent security needs,” said Tom Burns, SVP and GM Dell EMC Networking.

SonicWall’s multi-engine cloud-based Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service helps secure and shield organizations from today’s most insidious threats including ransomware, encrypted malware, mobile threats and email-borne attacks.

“This OEM relationship is a critical affirmation of how important the security solutions offered through the Dell EMC – SonicWall partnership are for Dell EMC’s enterprise customer base and Partner Program members,” said Steve Pataky, SVP and Chief Revenue Officer of SonicWall.  “In keeping with our 100% partnering go-to-market strategy, we are thrilled to have Dell EMC offer an OEM version of SonicWall’s next-generation firewall solutions as part of a security solutions portfolio.  Dell EMC’s industry leading ProSupport will be an important service value add to their customers.”

About SonicWall

SonicWall has been fighting the cyber-criminal industry for over 25 years defending small, medium-size businesses and enterprises worldwide. Backed by research from SonicWall Capture Labs, our award-winning real-time breach detection and prevention solutions coupled with the formidable resources of over 15,000 loyal channel partners around the globe, are the backbone securing more than a million business and mobile networks and their emails, applications, and data. This combination of products and partners has enabled an automated real-time breach detection and prevention solution tuned to the specific needs of the more than 500,000 organizations in over 150 countries. These businesses can run more effectively and fear less about security.

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