Today’s networks have never been more diverse and distributed. Zero-trust architecture offers a modern approach for security to meet modern work designs and tackle the cybersecurity challenges facing organizations.

Survival and continued growth often mean expanding services beyond traditional areas, being more agile and embracing work-from-anywhere policies. Most organizations expect to be fully deployed with a zero trust architecture within two years.

Hear from Osterman Research and SonicWall security experts as we discuss the importance of Zero-Trust.
Learn about:
• Threats, trends, and current issues elevating the need for zero trust
• How organizations are planning and deploying a zero-trust architecture
• Best practices and solutions to support the move to zero-trust

Turbocharge your Cybersecurity Business with SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate!

SonicWall Fast Lane is a new series of partner events designed to bring you up to speed on the latest solutions and news from SonicWall. We are excited to exclusively invite you to SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, a special event hosted by your regional SonicWall team, dedicated to helping you accelerate your business growth and achieve greater success with SonicWall.

Why Attend?

Get in the Fast Lane: Learn how our comprehensive solution portfolio and product roadmap can speed up your business growth. Stay ahead in the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape with the latest insights and strategies including Managed Security Services and Cloud Secure Edge.

Empower Your Success: Discover our enhanced partner program, specifically designed to help you overtake the competition and drive revenue and business growth.

Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with SonicWall experts and industry peers, forging valuable relationships that can benefit your business.


10:00 – 10:45 – Registration and welcome coffee & snacks

10:45 – 11:15 – Recap: The New SonicWall

11:15 – 11:45 – Increasing profitability with the SonicWall SecureFirst Partner Program

11:45 – 12:15 – Coffee break

12:15 – 13:00 – Roadmap Update

13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch

14:00 – 14:30 – Call to action / Summary

14:30 – 15:00 – Open Q&A

15:00 – 15:30 – Factory guided tour

Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Turbocharge your Cybersecurity Business with SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate!

SonicWall Fast Lane is a new series of partner events designed to bring you up to speed on the latest solutions and news from SonicWall. We are excited to exclusively invite you to SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, a special event hosted by your regional SonicWall team, dedicated to helping you accelerate your business growth and achieve greater success with SonicWall.

Why Attend?

Get in the Fast Lane: Learn how our comprehensive solution portfolio and product roadmap can speed up your business growth. Stay ahead in the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape with the latest insights and strategies including Managed Security Services and Cloud Secure Edge.

Empower Your Success: Discover our enhanced partner program, specifically designed to help you overtake the competition and drive revenue and business growth.

Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with SonicWall experts and industry peers, forging valuable relationships that can benefit your business.


12:15 PM – 1:00 PM: Session 1

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Lunch Break

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Session 2

3:00 PM – 3:20 PM: Coffee Break

3:20 PM – 4:20 PM: Session 3

Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Auf der Überholspur mit SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate Hockenheim – nehmen Sie an unserer spannenden Veranstaltung teil!

Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserer exklusiven Veranstaltung SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate ein, die am 09. Oktober 2024 im Hockenheim-Ring Hotel, Am Motodrom 1/1, 68766 Hockenheim stattfindet.

SonicWall Fast Lane ist eine neue Serie an Partnerveranstaltungen, in denen Sie mit den neuesten Lösungen und News von SonicWall an Fahrt aufnehmen. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, zu SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, einer ganz besonderen Veranstaltung mit Ihrem regionalen SonicWall-Team als Gastgeber, um Ihr Business anzukurbeln und Ihren Erfolg mit SonicWall zu stärken. Sie haben die Elevate-Partnerveranstaltung in Lissabon verpasst? Dann ist dieses Event ideal für Sie!

Warum sollten Sie teilnehmen?

Wechseln Sie auf die Überholspur: Erfahren Sie, wie unser umfassendes Lösungsportfolio und unsere Produkt-Roadmap Ihr Geschäftswachstum beflügelt. Bleiben Sie im rasanten Bereich der Cybersicherheit an der Spitze – mit den neuesten Einblicken und Strategien wie MSS und CSE.

Surfen Sie auf der Erfolgswelle: Entdecken Sie unser erweitertes Partnerprogramm, mit dessen Hilfe Sie die Konkurrenz hinter sich lassen, Ihren Umsatz steigern und Geschäftswachstum erzielen können.

Netzwerken mit Branchenexperten: Netzwerken mit Branchenexperten: Treffen Sie SonicWall-Experten und Branchenkollegen und knüpfen Sie wertvolle Beziehungen, von denen Ihr Unternehmen profitiert.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, Ihr Business zu beschleunigen, mit SonicWall durchzustarten und einen Tag voller neuer Erkenntnisse und wertvoller Kontakte zu erleben.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Turbocharge your Cybersecurity Business with SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate!

SonicWall Fast Lane is a new series of partner events designed to bring you up to speed on the latest solutions and news from SonicWall. We are excited to exclusively invite you to SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, a special event hosted by your regional SonicWall team, dedicated to helping you accelerate your business growth and achieve greater success with SonicWall.

Why Attend?

  • Get in the Fast Lane: Learn how our comprehensive solution portfolio and product roadmap can speed up your business growth. Stay ahead in the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape with the latest insights and strategies including Managed Security Services and Cloud Secure Edge.
  • Empower Your Success: Discover our enhanced partner program, specifically designed to help you overtake the competition and drive revenue and business growth.
  • Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with SonicWall experts and industry peers, forging valuable relationships that can benefit your business.

But that’s not all! Get ready to feel the excitement of a golf experience on a stunning course, challenge your colleagues with precision shots and strategic play, enjoy delicious food, and build valuable connections in a relaxed yet competitive atmosphere.

Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

Turbocharge your Cybersecurity Business with SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate!

SonicWall Fast Lane is a new series of partner events designed to bring you up to speed on the latest solutions and news from SonicWall. We are excited to exclusively invite you to SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate, a special event hosted by your regional SonicWall team, dedicated to helping you accelerate your business growth and achieve greater success with SonicWall.

Why Attend?

Get in the Fast Lane: Learn how our comprehensive solution portfolio and product roadmap can speed up your business growth. Stay ahead in the fast-paced cybersecurity landscape with the latest insights and strategies including Managed Security Services and Cloud Secure Edge.

Empower Your Success: Discover our enhanced partner program, specifically designed to help you overtake the competition and drive revenue and business growth.

Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with SonicWall experts and industry peers, forging valuable relationships that can benefit your business.


09:45 am – 03:00 pm SonicWall Fast Lane Update including a networking lunch 

Don’t miss this opportunity to turbocharge your business growth while having fun with SonicWall!

We are looking forward to meet you there!

Inscríbase al evento SonicWall Fast Lane: Elevate en Barcelona y asista a una tarde de aprendizaje y networking.

SonicWall Fast Lane es una nueva serie de eventos dirigidos a los partners y diseñados para ponerle al día con las nuevas soluciones y noticias de SonicWall. Nos complace invitarle a Fast Lane: Elevate, un evento especial organizado por su equipo regional de SonicWall, dedicado a ayudarle a acelerar el crecimiento de su negocio y conseguir un mayor éxito con nosotros. Si se perdió nuestra conferencia Elevate para partners de Lisboa, este es el evento perfecto para usted.

¿Por qué debería participar?

  • Vaya por la vía rápida: Descubra cómo nuestros productos pueden acelerar el crecimiento de su negocio. Permanezca actualizado sobre el cambiante panorama de la ciberseguridad, gracias a las últimas informaciones y estrategias que incluyen Managed Security Services (MSS) y Cloud Secure Edge (CSE).
  • Impulse su éxito: aprenda más sobre nuestro programa ampliado para partners, diseñado específicamente para ayudarle a adelantar a los competidores e impulsar el crecimiento de los ingresos y su negocio.
  • Networking con los líderes del sector: Conecte con los expertos de SonicWall y con sus colegas del sector y cree relaciones que beneficien a su negocio.

¡Pero eso no es todo! Podrá disfrutar también de una emocionante sesión de karting, perfecta para fomentar el espíritu de equipo y crear conexiones mientras se divierte en la pista.

No se pierda esta oportunidad de poner el turbo al crecimiento de su negocio, ¡pase a la vía rápida con SonicWall y disfrute de una tarde de aprendizaje y hacer contactos!

Boostez votre potentiel commercial en matière de cybersécurité avec SonicWall Fast Lane : Elevate.

SonicWall Fast Lane est une nouvelle série d’événements partenaires visant à vous informer sur les dernières solutions et actualités de SonicWall. Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à SonicWall Fast Lane : Elevate, un événement spécial organisé par votre équipe régionale SonicWall destiné à accélérer la croissance de votre entreprise et à renforcer votre réussite avec SonicWall. Si vous n’avez pas pu assister à notre conférence Elevate à Lisbonne, cet événement est fait pour vous !

Pourquoi participer ?

  • Prenez la voie express : découvrez comment notre gamme complète de solutions et notre road-map produits peuvent être des relais de croissance pour votre entreprise. Gardez une longueur d’avance dans le paysage en constante évolution de la cybersécurité avec les dernières innovations et stratégies, notamment en matière de MSS et de CSE.
  • Donnez-vous les moyens de réussir : découvrez notre programme partenaires spécialement amélioré pour vous aider à distancer la concurrence, à générer du chiffre d’affaires incrémental et à assurer la croissance de votre entreprise.
  • Liez des contacts avec les leaders du secteur : échangez avec nos experts et vos homologues du secteur, et nouez de précieuses relations dont votre entreprise pourra tirer profit.

Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de stimuler la croissance de votre entreprise. Empruntez la voie express avec SonicWall et profitez d’un après-midi de formation et de réseautage.

Partecipa a SonicWall Fast Lane: un pomeriggio di apprendimento e relazioni personali.

SonicWall Fast Lane è una nuova serie di eventi per i partner progettati per informarvi rapidamente sulle nuove soluzioni e le novità di SonicWall. Siamo lieti di invitarti a SonicWall Fast Lane Elevate, un evento speciale curato dal team SonicWall della tua regione. E’ stato creato per aiutarti ad accelerare la crescita del business e avere ancora più successo con SonicWall. Se non hai potuto partecipare alla nostra conferenza Elevate svoltasi a Lisbona, questo è l’evento perfetto per te!

Perché partecipare?

  • Scegli la corsia preferenziale: scopri come il nostro portafoglio di soluzioni complete e la roadmap dei prodotti possono accelerare la crescita del tuo business. Rimani al passo con il panorama della sicurezza informatica in rapida evoluzione grazie alle più recenti informazioni e strategie, tra cui Managed Security Services (MSS) e Cloud Secure Edge (CSE).
  • Aumenta il tuo successo: scopri il nostro programma avanzato per i partner, progettato specificamente per aiutarti a distinguerti dalla concorrenza e a incrementare il fatturato e la crescita del business.
  • Incontra i leader del settore: interagisci con gli esperti di SonicWall e colleghi del settore, creando relazioni preziose e vantaggiose per il tuo business.

Ma non è tutto! Approfittate di una visita guidata al Museo Alfa Romeo con noi!

Non perdere questa opportunità per incrementare la crescita del tuo business, entrare rapidamente in contatto con SonicWall e trascorrere un pomeriggio di apprendimento e relazioni personali.

Partecipa a SonicWall Fast Lane: un pomeriggio di apprendimento e relazioni personali.

SonicWall Fast Lane è una nuova serie di eventi per i partner progettati per informarvi rapidamente sulle nuove soluzioni e le novità di SonicWall. Siamo lieti di invitarti a SonicWall Fast Lane Elevate, un evento speciale curato dal team SonicWall della tua regione. E’ stato creato per aiutarti ad accelerare la crescita del business e avere ancora più successo con SonicWall. Se non hai potuto partecipare alla nostra conferenza Elevate svoltasi a Lisbona, questo è l’evento perfetto per te!

Perché partecipare?

  • Scegli la corsia preferenziale: scopri come il nostro portafoglio di soluzioni complete e la roadmap dei prodotti possono accelerare la crescita del tuo business. Rimani al passo con il panorama della sicurezza informatica in rapida evoluzione grazie alle più recenti informazioni e strategie, tra cui Managed Security Services (MSS) e Cloud Secure Edge (CSE).
  • Aumenta il tuo successo: scopri il nostro programma avanzato per i partner, progettato specificamente per aiutarti a distinguerti dalla concorrenza e a incrementare il fatturato e la crescita del business.
  • Incontra i leader del settore: interagisci con gli esperti di SonicWall e colleghi del settore, creando relazioni preziose e vantaggiose per il tuo business.

Ma non è tutto! Approfitta di un corso di golf di 2 ore, dove potrai rilassarti e migliorare il tuo gioco mentre costruisci preziose connessioni professionali.

Non perdere questa opportunità per incrementare la crescita del tuo business, entrare rapidamente in contatto con SonicWall e trascorrere un pomeriggio di apprendimento e relazioni personali.