Join SonicWall at Schoolscape Premier – the only education conference in South Africa that is dedicated to showcasing innovative school solutions. See the greatest showcase of local and international school solutions together under one roof.

SonicWall will be present at the Congress ASLAN 2023 in Madrid on March 22nd and 23rd. Digital innovation is becoming essential to develop new services and more competitive, safer and smarter companies.

The #ASLAN2023 Congress is an opportunity to learn about new technological trends, share experiences in digitization and create synergies to take advantage of European funds.

O futuro sucesso da sua infraestrutura de cibersegurança depende de quão bem sua organização consegue identificar, entender e atuar preventivamente contra vulnerabilidades ativas, esquemas de phishing e erros humanos. Junte-se aos nossos especialistas nesta discussão sobre o futuro da segurança cibernética e obtenha insights essenciais para o sucesso do seu negócio. 

SonicWall will be present at IT Partners 2023 in Paris on March 15th and 16th. In total immersion at Disneyland® Paris, the IT Partners event brings together the IT, Telecoms & Audiovisual channel community for 48 hours of intensive meetings and exchanges.

An exclusive model of business meetings that aims to develop the distribution and trade of innovations that contribute to the digital transformation of companies. 

In this special edition of SonicWall’s Cyber on Tap, we would like to invite you to join SonicWall President and CEO Bob VanKirk, Head of International Sales, Terry Greer-King and Regional Director, Will Benton along with other members of the SonicWall UK leadership team for an evening of cyber chats and refreshments.

Cyber On Tap is our monthly networking event where you can get to know our experienced sales and technical team, discuss the latest cybersecurity insights and network with other cybersecurity professionals.

Note: Bob VanKirk will be in attendance from 17.45 – 18.45

This partner conference by SonicWall is for our key partners in Dhaka. We are extremely grateful for our valued partners and it gives us immense pleasure to invite you to this dinner and networking event to be addressed by Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (Country Manager – Government & Channels, India and SAARC) on “Boundless Security”. This session will be engaging, insightful and, relevant in today’s and upcoming security landscape.

Accompanied by some key updates by Yuvraj Pradhan ( Director, Solutions Engineering – APJ). We will cover technical aspects of SonicWall Solutions portfolio, interactive Quizzes, Q&As and, a chance to win exciting prizes.

• Session Date & Time: Tuesday, Dec 20 | 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (BDT)

Die secIT Messe & Konferenz in Hannover ist eine der wichtigsten Messen für IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Rechenzentrumsleiter, Netzwerkadministratoren und Entscheider in Sicherheitsfragen.

Unsere Experten von SonicWall freuen sich, Sie auf der SecIT zu treffen. Zusammen mit unseren Partnern Tarador, Stirnberg IT, Cosus und indis geben wir Ihnen im persönlichen Gespräch einen Überblick über unsere Top Themen:

  • Wie das SonicWall Boundless Security System ganzheitlich gegen modernste Bedrohungen schützt
  • Next-Gen Firewalls: Sicherheit, Kontrolle und Transparenz für eine effektive Cybersecurity
  • Wie ein sicherer Umstieg auf hybride, private oder public Cloud-Komponenten möglich ist
  • Anforderungen aus den Bereichen KRITIS, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung und Public und wie Ihnen SonicWall helfen kann, diese zuverlässig zu erfüllen
  • Bleiben Sie sicher: Was Sie jetzt über Netzwerk-Segmentierung, Analyse des verschlüsselten Datenstroms, Multi-Plattform Security und Multi-Gig Architecture wissen müssen
  • Die mehrfach ausgezeichnete SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) mit der patentierten Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection(RTDMI)™-Technologie
  • Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus dem Cyber Threat Report 2023
  • Umfangreiche Live-Demos am Stand

Vereinbaren Sie sich noch heute einen Gesprächstermin mit unseren Experten!

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Hannover begrüßen zu dürfen!

Ihr SonicWall Team