Rafforza la tua gestione della sicurezza, proteggi i dati e semplifica i flussi di lavoro per ottimizzare l’efficienza con una potente integrazione! La demo dal vivo durante questa sessione mostrano la potenza combinata di queste tre grandi soluzioni. Esperti del settore condividono le loro conoscenze per migliorare la protezione e la sicurezza delle informazioni. Scopri come la perfetta integrazione di queste potenti soluzioni consente di aumentare notevolmente la protezione e la proposta di valore per i tuoi clienti!

Unternehmen sollten ihr Cybersicherheitskonzept fortlaufend optimieren und auf erweiterte E-Mail-Security-Lösungen, proaktive Threat-Hunting- und Threat-Modeling-Aktivitäten sowie auf kurze Reaktionszeiten zwischen Bedrohungserkennung und der effektiven Umsetzung von Maßnahmen setzen. Diese Aufgabe ist alles andere als leicht und erfordert eine Cybersecurity-Strategie, die weit über Endpunkte hinausgeht. Die SonicWall-Lösung Managed Detection and Response (MDR) bietet Ihnen alle Tools, die Sie brauchen, um in kürzester Zeit jede Bedrohung aufzudecken, zu analysieren und abzuwehren. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie alle Anforderungen Ihrer Cyberversicherung sowie die gesetzlichen Vorgaben im vollen Umfang erfüllen können. Nehmen Sie an dieser Session teil und erleben Sie MDR in Aktion!

Celebrate International Women’s Day on Friday, March 8! Join our panel of inspiring, informed, and incredible women from around the world by attending Café Biz hosted by SonicWall’s Women in Technology! Be part of the conversation as we discuss:
· The power of mentorship and allyship
· Accelerating gender equity through economic empowerment
· The tangible and intangible benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion
· Overcoming adversity
This SonicWall Café Biz is for everyone, not just women. If you’re committed to learning how to best inspire DEI in your organization and your community, please join us.

The challenge is to continuously improve cybersecurity posture with enhanced email security, proactive threat hunting and modeling, and immediate action from detection to effective response. That requires cybersecurity that goes far beyond just endpoints. SonicWall’s Managed Detection and Response (MDR) gives you every tool you need to quickly detect, identify, analyze, and remediate every threat. Here’s how to add value that also fulfills your requirements for cyber insurance and keeping in full compliance with regulatory standards. Attend this session to see it in action!

La sfida consiste nel migliorare costantemente la sicurezza informatica con funzioni avanzate di protezione delle e-mail, modellazione e ricerca proattiva delle minacce e reazione immediata, per passare dal semplice rilevamento a una risposta efficace. Per fare questo, è necessaria una cybersecurity che vada ben oltre gli endpoint. La soluzione Managed Detection and Response (MDR) di SonicWall offre tutti gli strumenti necessari per rilevare, identificare, analizzare e neutralizzare rapidamente ogni minaccia. Scopri come offrire un valore aggiunto e al tempo stesso soddisfare i requisiti per l’assicurazione nell’ambito cyber e la piena conformità agli standard normativi. Partecipa a questa sessione per vedere come funziona!

Tout l’enjeu consiste à améliorer sans cesse sa posture de cybersécurité grâce à une meilleure sécurisation de messagerie, de la proactivité dans la chasse aux menaces et leur modélisation, ainsi qu’une action immédiate, de la détection à une réponse efficace. Cela nécessite une cybersécurité qui va bien au-delà des simples terminaux. SonicWall MDR (Managed Detection and Response) vous fournit tous les outils dont vous avez besoin pour détecter, identifier et analyser rapidement chaque menace et y remédier. Une source de valeur ajoutée qui répond également à vos exigences en matière de cyber-assurance, tout en garantissant une totale conformité avec les normes réglementaires. Participez à cette session pour découvrir la solution en action !

The SonicWall Network Security Administrator (SNSA) for SonicOS 7.0 curriculum provides students with the required background, knowledge, and hands-on experience to design, implement and troubleshoot SonicWall Network Security products. SonicOS 7 is SonicWall’s most advanced security operating system and is at the core of its latest physical and virtual firewalls, including models from the TZ, NSv, NSa and NSsp Series. SonicOS 7.0 features advanced security, simplified policy management, and critical networking and management capabilities for distributed enterprises and small- to medium-sized businesses with SD-branch support.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSA is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions, wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

You can find more information in the SNSA Course Description and Technical Guide.

Two Day Course

– 8 November 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

– 9 November 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

El reto está en mejorar continuamente la ciberseguridad con una seguridad de correo electrónico mejorada, funciones proactivas de caza y modelado de amenazas y acción inmediata desde la detección hasta la respuesta efectiva. Para ello, es necesario contar con una ciberseguridad que vaya mucho más allá de los endpoints. La detección y respuesta gestionadas (MDR) de SonicWall le proporciona todas las herramientas que necesita para detectar, identificar, analizar y solucionar rápidamente todas las amenazas. Añada valor a la vez que cumple los requisitos para contratar un seguro de ciberseguridad y se mantiene en total conformidad con la normativa. Participe en esta sesión y vea SonicWall MDR en acción.

The SonicWall Network Security Professional (SNSP) for SonicOS 7 curriculum expands on the topics covered in SNSA for SonicOS 7 and features advanced SonicWall firewall configuration and administration tasks aimed at helping enterprises adapt to dynamic security environments.

The new SNSP curriculum includes an enhanced and deeper scope of the SonicOS 7 features and functionality, as well as changes in the learning and delivery methodologies, to better balance the professional needs of the students and the business requirements for network and cyber security.

The Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) class connects the student with our experienced instructors in a live-online classroom using hands-on labs. The SNSP is designed to be a flexible and learner-centric blended curriculum that combines online learning with hands-on, instructor-led classroom training:

eLearning*: This course begins with fully immersive, self-paced online training modules that showcase the unique features and functionality of SonicOS 7 in a simulated application environment. These training modules also include interactive simulations that will guide you in leveraging the unique NGFW capabilities of a SonicWall NSv firewall.

Instructor-Led Training: The two-day instructor-guided portion of the curriculum provides a suite of intensive ILT scenario-based sessions wherein you learn, in a risk-free lab environment, how to configure the SonicWall Next-Gen NSv firewall for network security, control and visibility. You can find more information in the SNSP Course Description and Technical Guide.

*Activation keys are required to access the eLearning course modules, and you will be sent by your instructor one week before the class when you enroll.

The current SNSP for SonicOS 7 eligibility criteria is:

SNSA 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSP 6.5 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

SNSA for SonicOS 7 certified students with a current or expired in the last three months certificate

Please email Training Support trainingsupport@sonicwall.com to confirm eligibility before registering if you are unsure.

Two Day Course

– 6 December 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

– 7 December 2023 – 8:00am – 5:00pm GMT

Everything you learned reading the SonicWall Cyber Threat Report gains real value when you put it to use in your network. Join SonicWall experts for a thorough exploration of how to put all that good information into action. Gain key insights, learn how to identify and assess risks and use that learning to help you create and maintain truly useful security configurations, the ones you need most.