Featuring SonicWall’s leaders: Jason Carter, Chandro Prasad and Os St Marthe.

We are excited to spend 30 minutes with you and share the following:

• Feedback from our global technical advisory councils

• Our future platform vision

• Market trends & strategic investment areas

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall.

Featuring SonicWall’s leaders: Jason Carter, Chandro Prasad and Os St Marthe.

We are excited to spend 30 minutes with you and share the following:

• Feedback from our global technical advisory councils

• Our future platform vision

• Market trends & strategic investment areas

Join us to discover why there’s never been a better time to partner with SonicWall.

In this up-and-coming June session, we are looking to provide you with a use case that we have seen work well in customer environments that come up regularly, sharing a short best practices demo. In addition, we will talk about what is in our current NSM beta that we expect to be released soon.

And if you are a GMS customer or partner, looking to start your transition to the latest management platform, please join us.

Our regional SE team is looking forward to virtually seeing you there and will be available to answer any questions live.

We are delighted to invite you to join SonicWall’s VP of Worldwide Solution Engineering, Osca St Marthe and members of the SonicWall UK Senior leadership team as they host an exclusive roundtable dinner on the 20th July at No. 4 Clifton Village, Bristol.

At this event you will have the opportunity to hear directly from our leadership team about recent changes at SonicWall and share successes, opportunities whilst getting valuable input from Osca. You will also have the opportunity to provide constructive feedback and input on the product developments that you’d like to see that will further enhance both you and your customers experiences across the SonicWall portfolio as well as building valuable relationships for your future business.

Kaseya DattoCon Europe is your chance to experience the best of both Connect and DattoCon in one event. It is a great opportunity to learn about the most powerful IT service solutions to date and gain technical insights from industry experts. SonicWall is the cybersecurity vendor of choice for a number of leading Kaseya and Datto partners globally and this year we are delighted to be involved with DattoCon. Stop by stand 16 at DattoCon to learn why they, plus more than 17,000 registered solution and service providers partner with SonicWall or register to book an appt with the team at the event.

Please note that registering for an appointment does not include a ticket to the event. Tickets to DattoCon can be purchased here

Dear Valued Partner,

We are pleased to invite you to attend our exciting SonicWall team building Event on Thursday, 8th June 2023 at Escape Hunt, The Galleria Mall Dubai from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM (UAE Time).

The partners will be divided into groups and each group will be locked in a room to play a game requiring them to solve a series of puzzles within a certain amount of time to find the key to unlock the room. The event provides a great team-building opportunity followed by networking and hi-tea. 

We hope to see you there!

Dear Valued Partner,

We are pleased to invite you to attend our Sonicwall Partner Event on Tuesday, 13th June 2023 at Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City  from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM (Kuwait Time).

We hope to see you there!

Every day, black hat attackers and white hat researchers are discovering new security vulnerabilities in widely-used systems and applications that might be exploited to compromise your data. Are you aware of the newest – and potentially most impactful – vulnerabilities that have been discovered/disclosed? In this webinar, top researchers and experts discuss some of the most dangerous emerging vulnerabilities, and what you can do to prevent them from being exploited in your organization.

Cuando un ataque no es un ataque, es decir, cuando los equipos rojo, azul, morado, blanco y verde hacen su trabajo, ¿cuáles son las ventajas para su organización? ¿Es lo suficientemente resiliente contra los ciberataques? Hay 10,5 billones de razones por las que debería analizar más detalladamente estos ejercicios cruciales.
Obtenga más información del experto de SonicWall Borja de Hoz Nieto en el episodio 13 de MINDHUNTER.

Quando un attacco non è realmente un attacco – con le squadre rossa, blu, viola, bianca e verde in competizione tra loro – quali sono i vantaggi per la vostra organizzazione? È abbastanza resiliente contro i cyber attacchi? Ci sono 10,5 miliardi di buoni motivi per cui vale la pena prendere in considerazione queste esercitazioni cruciali.
Scopri di più con l’esperto di SonicWall Federico Diamantini in questo episodio di MINDHUNTER #13.