Build IT LIVE is a premier leadership educational training conference for MSP professionals.

Build IT LIVE helps MSP’s GROW, SCALE, and THRIVE their business!

While hosting over 700 delegates each year, most attendees are MSP C-suite and manager-level executives who want to connect, network, and collaborate with like-minded professionals.  

Ready to explore a galaxy of new and exciting opportunities and network with the best in the industry! 

Register Now, use code: SONICWALL to save $100

Stop by our Booth – SonicWall Booth  # 33

Join our very own Michelle Ragusa-McBain, Vice President of North America

“Becoming the Leader You Were Meant to Be”

When it comes to leadership, so much of the talk is about your interactions with others. But what about working on yourself? You don’t become a great leader by accident. What can great leaders do in order to become exceptional?

Time: 2:40 PM-3:20 PM

Conference: Bonnet Creek Salon 3

The Midsize Enterprise Summit (MES) Fall event offers the opportunity to discuss pain points and potential solutions, learn the latest technology trends from thought leaders and seasoned analysts, and build meaningful relationships to maximize your investment in attending — in just a few highly productive days away from the office. Join us for MES where you’ll make unmatched connections through peer-to-peer networking and our unique boardroom format. Hear from industry experts on market and technology trends.

MES Fall 2023 event will take place September 17-19 at the Marriott Marquis Houston. 

SonicWall will be at booth #115 Monday – Tuesday from 5:30pm – 7:30pm.

SonicWall will have 2 breakout rooms that you can attend and listen!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cybercrime has evolved, making it harder for defenders to protect against, detect and stop attacks from entering their networks. As the pace of cyberattacks continues to increase — and the ways threat actors breach and infiltrate systems continue to become more targeted and evasive — our future will increasingly belong to the proactive.

Make sure you are one of the proactive and join SonicWall on Friday 15th September for an afternoon of exploring a defense in depth cybersecurity strategy, networking and golf! We will discuss and explore:

• Real world, data backed insights on the evolving cyber threat landscape

• The latest threats and how to protect against them

• Cybersecurity priorities for the next 12 months and beyond

• Steps to building a defense in depth strategy to protect your organisation

After the session we would be delighted if you would join us for some golf and lunch. Please register by 5th September.

Join us at GITEX Global and experience the cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions brought to you by SonicWall. SonicWall delivers Boundless Cybersecurity for the hyper-distributed era and a work reality where everyone is remote, mobile, and unsecure. By knowing the unknown, providing real-time visibility, and enabling breakthrough economics, SonicWall closes the cybersecurity business gap for enterprises, governments, and SMBs worldwide.

Highlights of our event:

  • Cyber Threat Report 2023: Get exclusive insights into key findings from our Cyber Threat Report 2023, providing you with valuable information to enhance your security posture.
  • Next-Gen Firewalls: Discover the power of SonicWall’s Next-Generation Firewalls that offer unparalleled security, control, and visibility, enabling you to effectively safeguard your network from emerging threats.
  • Secure Cloud Migration: Understand how to securely migrate to hybrid, private, or public cloud components with SonicWall’s expertise and solutions.
  • Industry-Specific Solutions: Explore how SonicWall addresses the unique security requirements of healthcare, education, public sectors, and more, helping you fulfill your security needs reliably.
  • Network Segmentation & Multi-Platform Security: Stay ahead of threats with valuable knowledge about network segmentation, encrypted data stream analysis, multi-platform security, and multi-gig architecture.
  • Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP): Experience SonicWall’s award-winning Capture ATP, fortified with patented Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection (RTDMI)™ technology, providing unmatched defense against advanced threats.
  • Live Demos: Visit our booth for full live demonstrations of our innovative solutions, enabling you to witness firsthand how SonicWall’s products deliver robust security for your organization.

Join us at Gitex Global for a transformative cybersecurity experience and gain the insights and tools you need to stay one step ahead of cyber threats. Our experts will be available to answer your questions and help you discover the best security solutions for your business needs. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your digital future with SonicWall.

See you at Gitex!

Come and meet the SonicWall team and wider SonicWall community for an evening of cyber chats and refreshments. Get to know our experienced sales and technical team, discuss the latest cybersecurity insights and network with other cybersecurity professionals.

it-sa Expo & Congress in Nuremberg is Europe’s largest trade fair for IT security and one of the most important dialog platforms for IT security solutions. 

Our experts from SonicWall look forward to meeting you at it-sa at booth 602 in hall 7. Together with our partners Tarador, Data-Sec, indis, Netzwerkleute, BUCS IT and MCM we will give you a personal overview of our top topics:

  • How the SonicWall Boundless Security System holistically protects against cutting-edge threats
  • Next-Gen Firewalls: Security, Control and Visibility for Effective Cybersecurity
  • The NIS2 Directive: recommended actions for the German variant of the NIS2 Directive [NIS2UmsuCG] and the 3 key security focus points – everything you need to know now! 
  • Key findings from the Cyber Threat Report 2023
  • How to securely move to hybrid, private or public cloud components
  • Requirements from the KRITIS, healthcare, education and public sectors and how SonicWall can help you fulfill them reliably
  • Stay secure: what you need to know now about network segmentation, encrypted data stream analysis, multi-platform security and multi-gig architecture
  • SonicWall’s award-winning Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) with patented Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection(RTDMI)™ technology.
  • Full live demos at the booth

Don’t miss our exclusive, German-language presentations “NIS2 & Building a Holistic Security Architecture” at it-sa Expo & Congress at the following times:

  • Tuesday, October 10 I 10:15 a.m. I Hall 7 – Forum D 
  • Wednesday, October 11 I 11:00 a.m. I Hall 7 – Forum D
  • Thursday, October 12 I 11:30 a.m. I Hall 7 – Forum D

as well as our in-depth German-language DeepDive workshops: NIS2 & Building a Holistic Security Architecture on

  • Tuesday, October 10 from 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 11 from 2:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Not a German native speaker? Feel free to talk to us individually at the booth or request an English-language workshop from us! 

Make an appointment with our experts today and get a limited free ticket.

We look forward to welcoming you in Nuremberg!

Your SonicWall Team

Die it-sa Expo & Congress in Nürnberg ist Europas größte Fachmesse für IT-Security und eine der bedeutendsten Dialogplattformen für IT-Sicherheitslösungen. 

Unsere Experten von SonicWall freuen sich, Sie auf der it-sa an Stand 602 in Halle 7 zu treffen. Zusammen mit unseren Partnern Tarador, Data-Sec, indis, Netzwerkleute, BUCS IT und MCM geben wir Ihnen im persönlichen Gespräch einen Überblick über unsere Top Themen:

  • Wie das SonicWall Boundless Security System ganzheitlich gegen modernste Bedrohungen schützt
  • Next-Gen Firewalls: Sicherheit, Kontrolle und Transparenz für eine effektive Cybersecurity
  • Die NIS2 Richtlinie: Handlungsempfehlungen zur deutschen Variante der NIS2 Richtlinie [NIS2UmsuCG] und die 3 wichtigsten Sicherheitsschwerpunkte – alles was Sie jetzt wissen müssen! 
  • Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus dem Cyber Threat Report 2023
  • Wie ein sicherer Umstieg auf hybride, private oder public Cloud-Komponenten möglich ist
  • Anforderungen aus den Bereichen KRITIS, Gesundheitswesen, Bildung und Public und wie Ihnen SonicWall helfen kann, diese zuverlässig zu erfüllen
  • Bleiben Sie sicher: Was Sie jetzt über Netzwerk-Segmentierung, Analyse des verschlüsselten Datenstroms, Multi-Plattform Security und Multi-Gig Architecture wissen müssen
  • Die mehrfach ausgezeichnete SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) mit der patentierten Real-Time Deep Memory Inspection(RTDMI)™-Technologie
  • Umfangreiche Live-Demos am Stand

Besuchen Sie auf der it-sa Expo & Congress auch unsere exklusiven Vorträge “NIS2 & Aufbau einer holistischen Sicherheitsarchitektur” zu folgenden Zeiten:

  • Dienstag, 10. Oktober I 10:15 Uhr I Halle 7 – Forum D 
  • Mittwoch, 11. Oktober I 11:00 Uhr I Halle 7 – Forum D
  • Donnerstag, 12. Oktober I 11:30 Uhr I Halle 7 – Forum D

sowie unsere vertiefenden DeepDive Workshops: NIS2 & Aufbau einer holistischen Sicherheitsarchitektur am

  • Dienstag, 10. Oktober von 14:30 – 17:30 Uhr
  • Mittwoch, 11. Oktober von 14:30 – 17:30 Uhr

Vereinbaren Sie sich noch heute einen Gesprächstermin mit unseren Experten und sichern Sie sich ein limitierten Gratis-Ticket.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Nürnberg begrüßen zu dürfen!

Ihr SonicWall Team

NIS2 ist aktuell in aller Munde und erhöht die Unsicherheit bezüglich Complianceanforderungen weiter. Parallel erleben wir Cyberkriminelle im Goldrausch, verstärkt durch KI und Automatisierung. Was nun? 

Als Mitglied des Wirtschaftsrats Deutschland und der Bundesarbeitsgruppe Cybersicherheit ist SonicWall beratend an Entwürfen zur Umsetzung von Richtlinien – wie NIS in das nationale Recht – aus Sicht der Wirtschaft tätig, mit dem Ziel, die Politik fachlich zu unterstützen, bevor die NIS2 Richtlinie voraussichtlich in den nächsten Wochen als NIS2UmsuCG, – nach der parlamentarischen Sommerpause -, final verabschiedet wird.

Somit können wir Ihnen Hintergründe aus erster Hand teilen und unterstützen, die Herausforderung der gestiegenen Sicherheitsanforderungen Schritt-für-Schritt zu erfüllen.

Alles was Sie jetzt wissen müssen, erfahren Sie in diesem Webinar zur neuen NIS2 Richtlinie.


Überprüfung des Status Quo

  • Was ist generell bei der Erstellung einer Cybersicherheitsarchitektur zu beachten?
  • Wen betrifft die neue Regelung zu NIS2, wer ist Teil der Kette?
  • Wer ist in der Verantwortung und was sind die Konsequenzen?

Ermittlung der Maßnahmen

  • Was können Sie schon jetzt tun?
  • Wer kann Ihnen helfen die Herausforderungen von NIS2 zu erfüllen?

Aktuelle Angriffsmuster & -Routen der Cyberkriminellen

spezifische Attackvarianten auf Großunternehmen, KRITIS, Retail, Education, Healthcare

Risikobewertung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen

zu erwartende Standardanforderungen Cybersecurity Versicherungen

DSGVO, NIS2, & aktuelle Förderungen die Sie kennen sollten

die 3 wichtigsten Sicherheitsschwerpunkte 2023


Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in diesen spannenden Webinar begrüßen zu dürfen! 

Como partner de SonicWall, ¿cómo puedo proporcionar seguridad ademanda para las necesidades de mis clientes?

Como cliente, ¿cómo puedo asegurarme de pagar solo por los serviciosde seguridad que uso?

En un mundo de incertidumbre y amenazas en constante evolución, tanto losclientes como los partners necesitan un proveedor que pueda proporcionaruna plataforma de servicios de seguridad flexible y on demand que solo cobrea los clientes por los servicios que realmente utilizan.

En el Café Tech de este mes, proporcionaremos a nuestros partners unadescripción general de nuestra plataforma MSSP, demostraremos la facilidadde incorporar productos e informes, proporcionaremos información sobrecómo funciona nuestro modelo de licencia y mostraremos a los partners cómopueden obtener acceso a este programa en sólo unos días. Para nuestrosclientes, hablaremos sobre los beneficios que se les transfieren de esteprograma y explicaremos cómo su partner preferido de SonicWall administraesta plataforma.

También acabamos de lanzar nuestra oferta de servicios de seguridad defirewall, si es nuevo con SonicWall o si ya es un cliente o partner existente,únase a nuestro webinar de 30 minutos.

Como parceiro da SonicWall, como posso fornecer segurança sobdemanda para as necessidades de meus clientes?

Como cliente, como posso garantir que pago apenas pelos serviços desegurança que uso?

Em um mundo de incertezas e ameaças em constante evolução, tanto osclientes quanto os parceiros precisam de um fornecedor que possa ofereceruma plataforma de serviços de segurança flexível e sob demanda que cobreapenas pelos serviços que eles realmente usam.

No Café Tech deste mês, forneceremos aos nossos parceiros uma visão geralda nossa plataforma MSSP, demonstraremos a facilidade de integrar produtose relatórios, fornecer informações sobre como nosso modelo de licenciamentofunciona e mostrar como eles podem obter acesso a este programa emapenas alguns dias. Para nossos clientes, discutiremos os benefícios desteprograma e explicaremos como seu parceiro preferido administra estaplataforma.

Também acabamos de lançar nossa oferta de Serviços de Segurança deFirewall. Portanto, se você é novo na SonicWall ou se já é cliente ou parceiro,participe do nosso webinar de 30 minutos.