The Anti-Virus Signatures section allows you to view the contents of the SonicWall Anti-Virus signature database. All the entries displayed in the Anti-Virus Signatures table are from the SonicWall Anti-Virus signature database downloaded to your SonicWall network security appliance. The number of malware family signatures is displayed above the table.
Signature entries in the database change over time in response to new threats. Anti-Virus Signature entries are located at OBJECT | Signatures > Anti-Virus Signatures.
You can display the signatures in a variety of views:
When you filter the signature, the number of signatures found is displayed along with the total number of signatures in the database.
Search String – Displays signatures containing a specific string:
The SonicWall Anti-Virus signatures are displayed fifty to a page in the Anti-Virus Signatures table. The Items field displays the table number of the first signature.
You can search the signature database by entering a search string in the Look-up Signatures Containing String field, then clicking the Search icon.
Only the signatures that match the specified string are displayed in the Anti-Virus Signatures table.