SonicOS 7 NSv Getting Started Guide for KVM

Adding VLAN Parameters to the Network Card

  • Web Management Interface

    For best results, X0: 518 and X1: 201 are recommended.

    Access settings through Virtual Machine Manager | Connection Details > Network Interface

  • Command Line Interface

    apt-get install vlan bridge-utils
    edit /etc/network/interfaces:
    #edit physical interface
    auto eno 1

    Where eno 1 is the network server on the Ubuntu interface.

    iface eno 1 inet manual
    #add sub-interface, the number is vlan to be added
    auto eno 1.301
    iface eno 1.301. inet manual
    vlan-raw-device eno 1
    #add bridge
    auto brvlan301
    iface brvlan301 inet static
    bridge_stp off
    bridge_waitport 0
    bridge_fd 0
    bridge_ports eno 1_301
    dns_nameserver 10.196.2020.200
    systemctl restart network

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