SonicOS 7 NSv Getting Started Guide for ESXi
- SonicOS NSv 7
- Introducing the NSv Series
- Feature Support Information
- Node Counts Per Platform
- Installation File / Supported Platforms
- Hardware Compatibility
- Support for SR-IOV
- Support for vMotion
- Support for One-Arm Mode
- Support for Tap Mode
- Product Matrix and Requirements
- Backup and Recovery Information
- Best Practices and Recommendations
- High Availability Configurations
- Exporting and Importing Firewall Configurations
- Upgrading from SonicOS 6.5
- Upgrading to a Higher Capacity NSv Model
- Creating a MySonicWall Account
- Installing SonicOS on the NSv Series
- Licensing and Registering Your NSv
- SonicOS Management
- Using the Virtual Console and SafeMode
- SonicWall Support
In the Diagnostics screen, you can send diagnostics to SonicWall Technical Support. This has the same functionality as clicking SEND DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS TO SUPPORT in the INVESTIGATE | Tools | System Diagnostics page of the SonicOS web management interface.
Your NSv virtual machine must have internet access to send the diagnostics report to SonicWall Support.
To send the diagnostics report, select Send in the main view to highlight it, then press Enter. A dialog box showing the diagnostics send output is displayed. The last message indicates success or failure.
Press the Esc key to close the dialog.
Any errors during the Send process are displayed in the Send diagnostics dialog box.
Common reasons for the report failing to send include:
Misconfigured/missing default gateway
Misconfigured/missing DNS servers
Inline proxy
The Send Diagnostics tool does not currently work through HTTP proxies.
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