To configure user session settings for web login
Enable login session limit for web logins: Limit the time a user is logged into the firewall through web login before the login page times out by selecting this option and typing the amount of time, in minutes, in the Login session limit … Minutes field. This setting is selected by default The default value is 30 minutes.
If the session times out, a message displays that reads you must log out before attempting to log in again.
Select Show user login status window to display a status window during the user’s session. This option is not selected by default.
The window must be kept open throughout the user’s session as closing it logs the user out.
If this option is not enabled, the status window is not displayed and users might not be able to log out. In this case, a login session limit must be set to ensure that they do eventually get logged out.
The User Login Status window refreshes every (minutes) displays the number of minutes the user has left in the login session. The user can set the remaining time to a smaller number of minutes by entering the number and clicking Update.
When this option is enabled, a mechanism that monitors heartbeats sent from that window also can be enabled to detect and log out users who disconnect without logging out.
If this option is not enabled, users might be unable to log out. Set a login session limit to ensure users are logged out eventually.