NETWORK | System > VLAN Translation allows you to create and manage the VLAN mapping of interfaces.
+Add | Displays the Add VLAN Translation dialog. |
Delete icon |
Displays the Delete drop-down menu:
Search field | Allows you to display only those VLAN translations of interest. |
Refresh icon | Refreshes the VLAN Translation table. |
Policy number and checkbox | Number of the policy and its associated checkbox. |
Ingress Interface | Name of the incoming interface. |
Ingress VLAN | VLAN tag of the incoming interface. |
Egress Interface | Name of the interface to which traffic is mapped. |
Egress VLAN | VLAN tag of the interface to which traffic is mapped. |
Reverse Translation |
Indicates whether the mapping is unidirectional or bidirectional:
Active |
Status of the mapped pair:
Configure | Displays Edit and Delete icons for a mapped pair. |