SonicOS 7.1 Monitor Logs

Display Options

Customize the Events log to display as many or few columns that meet your needs.

To select which columns to display:

  1. Navigate to MONITOR | Logs > System Logs.
  2. Click Grid icon . The Grid Settings dialog displays:

  3. Select the items you want to appear as columns in the System Log.

    General General information about the log event.

    Local date and time the event occurred.

    This option is selected by default. It is dimmed, and cannot be deselected.


    Identifying number for the event.

    This option is selected by default. It is dimmed, and cannot be deselected.

    Category Category of the event. This option is selected by default.
    Group Group designation of the event.
    Event Name of the event.
    Msg Type Type of message; usually Standard Message String.

    Priority level of the event, such as Inform (information) or Error.

    This option is selected by default.

    Message Information about the event.


    Information about the protocol of the packet triggering the event.

    Name of the source device, if applicable. This option is selected by default.

    Source IP

    IP address of the source device.

    Source Port

    Port number of the source.

    Source Interface

    Source network and IP address, if applicable.


    Name of the destination device, if applicable. This option is selected by default.

    Destination IP

    IP address of the destination device.

    Destination Port

    Port number of the destination.

    Destination Interface

    Destination network and IP address, if applicable.

    Protocol Information about the NAT policy in effect, if any.
    Source Name Protocol source name.
    Source NAT IP Source address from the Source NAT IP address pool.
    Source NAT Port Port number for the Source NAT.
    In SPI Indicates whether the ingress packet is in Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) mode, if applicable.
    Destination Name Protocol destination name.
    Destination NAT IP Destination address from the Source NAT IP address pool.
    Destination NAT Port Port number for the Destination NAT.
    Out SPI Indicates whether the egress packet is in Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) mode, if applicable.
    IP Protocol Protocol used to send error and control messages, if known. This option is selected by default.
    ICMP Type ICMP packet’s ICMP type, if known.
    ICMP Code ICMP packet’s ICMP code, if known.
    Connection Information about SPI, Access and IDP Rules, and policies, if any.
    TX Bytes Number of bytes transmitted.
    RX Bytes Number of bytes received.
    Access Rule Name of the Access Rule triggering the event, if any.
    NAT Policy Name of the NAT policy.
    VPN Policy Name of the VPN policy triggering the event, if any.
    User Name Name of the user whose action triggered the event.
    Session Time Duration of the session before the event.
    Session Type Type of session triggering the event.
    IDP Rule Name of the IDP Rule triggering the event, if any.
    IDP Priority Priority of the IDP Rule.
    Application Information about the application being used.
    HTTP OP NPCS object op requestMethod HTTP OP code.
    URL URL of the NPCS object op requestMethod HTTP OP code.
    HTTP Result HTTP result code (such as, 200, 403) of Website hit rpkt cn1Label Packet received.
    Block Category Block category that triggered the event.
    Application The application being used.
    Others Information about the user, session, and application, if known.
    FW Action Configured firewall action. If no action has been specified, displays N/A.

    Includes notes. This option is selected by default.

    Operation Action Provides option to disable the events.
  4. When done, click Apply to preserve any changes or click Restore Default to revert back to the default settings.

You can perform the following actions on the System Logs page:

  • To export the logs in CSV, TXT files, and email, click Export icon and select the required format
  • To clear the logs from the table, click Clear Logs icon
  • To refresh the page, click Refresh icon
  • To view more details of the log, click the triangle icon of the log

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