SonicOS 7.1 Device AppFlow

Settings Configuration

The Settings section of the Settings screen allows you to enable real-time data collection and AppFlow report collection.

  • Report Collections — Enables AppFlow reporting collection according to one of these modes:
    • All — Selecting this checkbox reports all flows. This is the default setting.
    • Interface-based — Selecting this checkbox enables flow reporting based only on the initiator or responder interface. This provides a way to control what flows are reported externally or internally. If enabled, the flows are verified against the per interface flow reporting configuration, located in the NETWORK | Interfaces page.
    • If an interface has its flow reporting disabled, then flows associated with that interface are skipped.
    • Firewall/App Rules-based — Selecting this checkbox enables flow reporting based on already existing firewall Access and App rules configuration, located on the POLICY | Rules and Policies > Access Rules page and the POLICY | Rules and Policies > App Rules page, respectively. This is similar to interface-based reporting; the only difference is instead of checking per interface settings, the per-firewall rule is selected.
    • Every firewall Access and App rule has a checkbox to enable flow reporting. If a flow matching a rule is to be reported, this enabled checkbox forces verification that firewall rules have flow reporting enabled or not.
    • If this option is enabled, but no rules have the flow-reporting option enabled, no data is reported. This option is an additional way to control which flows need to be reported.
  • Enable Real-Time Data Collection — Enables real-time data collection on your firewall for real-time statistics. You can enable/disable Individual items in the Collect Real-Time Data For drop-down menu. This setting is enabled by default.
  • When this setting is disabled, the System Monitor does not collect or display streaming data as the real-time graphs displayed in the MONITOR | Real-Time Charts > System Monitor page is disabled.
  • Collect Real-Time Data For — Select the streaming graphs to display on the System Monitor page. By default, all items are selected.
    • This optionDisplays this graph(s)
      Top appsApplications
      Bits per sec.Bandwidth
      Packets per sec.Packet Rate
      Average packet sizePacket Size
      Connections per sec.Connection Rate and Connection Count
      Core util.Multicore Monitor
      Memory util.Memory Usage
  • Enable Aggregate AppFlow Report Data Collection — If enabled, the firewall starts collecting data for aggregate reports. Individual items can be enabled/disabled in the next section. If disabled, AppFlow reports under the Dashboard are disabled.
  • When this setting is disabled, the AppFlow Reports does not collect or display data.
  • You can quickly display the INVESTIGATE | Reports | AppFlow Reports page by clicking the Display icon by Enable Aggregate AppFlow Report Data Collection.
  • Collect Report Data For — Enables/disables individual Report Data Collection. Select from this drop-down menu the data to display. By default, all reports are selected.
    • Apps Report
    • User Report
    • IP Report
    • Threat Report
    • Geo-IP Report
    • URL Report

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