About SonicOS 7.1

SSH Terminal Access

An SSH Terminal can be accessed by clicking the Terminal icon button on the top banner of the SonicOS web management interface.

Terminal icon button

Before initiating the Terminal, make sure that the interface has SSH enabled for management. To check, go to NETWORK | System > Interfaces and edit the WAN (usually X1) interface. On the General screen, scroll down to the MANAGEMENT options and enable SSH.

SSH management option

If prompted, click OK in the SSH Server warning dialog to accept the certificate.

SSH certificate dialog

Then, enter the administrator username and password at the prompts (default admin/password).

SSH login

The SSH terminal window is available for use with all the standard commands. Type a question mark, '?', to see the list of system commands and top level commands. Press the spacebar at the --MORE-- prompt to display more commands.

SSH terminal window

You can type logout or exit to end the session, or click the 'X' in the top right corner to return to web management.

For more information about the command line interface (CLI), refer to the SonicOS/X 7 Command Line Interface Reference Guide on the Technical Documentation portal.