SonicOS 7.0 Objects

About Keywords and the Keyword List

A URI List Object uses its URI List to match URIs when scanning web traffic. It uses a token-based match algorithm, which means does not match The Keyword List makes URI matching more flexible, allowing the URI List Object to match traffic by matching other portions of a URI.

If a web traffic URI string (host+path+queryString) has any sub-string in the keyword list, the URI List Object gets a match. For example, if sports and news are in the keywords list, the URI List Object can match,, or

As with the URI List, you can manually add entries to the Keyword List by typing or pasting them in, or importing a list of keywords from a text (.txt) file. The file can be a manually created one or a file that was previously exported from the appliance. Each URI in the file is on its own line.

You can export the Keyword List contents into a text file that you can import later.

Keyword and Keyword List have the following requirements:

  • Each keyword can contain up to 255 printable ASCII characters.
  • The maximum combined length of keywords in one Keyword List is limited to 1024 * 2, including one character for each new line (carriage return) between the keywords.

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