SonicOS 7.0 Objects

QoS Marking Actions

Both 802.1p and DSCP markings are managed by SonicOS <![CDATA[ ]]>Access Rules (Classic Mode) or Security Action Profiles (Policy Mode) provide four actions: None, Preserve, Explicit, and Map.

The default action for DSCP is None and the default action for 802.1p is Preserve.

QoS marking behavior describes the behavior of each action on both methods of marking.

QoS Marking: Behavior
Action 802.1p (Layer 2 CoS) DSCP (Layer 3) Notes

When packets matching this class of traffic (as defined by the <![CDATA[ ]]>Access Rules (Classic Mode) or Security Action Profiles (Policy Mode) are sent out the egress interface, no 802.1p tag is added.

The DSCP tag is explicitly set (or reset) to 0. If the target interface for this class of traffic is a VLAN subinterface, the 802.1p portion of the 802.1q tag is explicitly set to 0. If this class of traffic is destined for a VLAN and is using 802.1p for prioritization, a specific <![CDATA[ ]]>Access Rules (Classic Mode) or Security Action Profiles (Policy Mode) using the Preserve, Explicit, or Map action should be defined for this class of traffic.
Preserve Existing 802.1p tag is preserved. Existing DSCP tag value is preserved.
Explicit An explicit 802.1p tag value can be assigned (0-7) from a drop-down menu that is presented. An explicit DSCP tag value can be assigned (0-63) from a drop-down menu that is presented. If either the 802.1p or the DSCP action is set to Explicit while the other is set to Map, the explicit assignment occurs first, and then the other is mapped according to that assignment.

The setting for QoS mapping of DSCP and 802.1p tag is defined on OBJECT | Profile Objects > QoS Marking page.

The setting for QoS mapping of DSCP and 802.1p tag is defined on OBJECT | Profile Objects > QoS Marking page.

An additional check box is presented to Allow 802.1p Marking to override DSCP values. Selecting this check box asserts the mapped 802.1p value over any DSCP value that might have been set by the client. This is useful to override clients setting their own DSCP CoS values.

If Map is set as the action on both DSCP and 802.1p, mapping only occurs in one direction: if the packet is from a VLAN and arrives with an 802.1p tag, then DSCP is mapped from the 802.1p tag; if the packet is destined to a VLAN, then 802.1p is mapped from the DSCP tag.

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