SonicOS 7.0 Objects

Default Action Objects

SonicOS comes with the number of default action objects. These default action objects cannot be edited or deleted.

You can select a default action object while adding or editing an app control policy on the POLICY | Rules and Policies > App Rules page.

The default Action Objects include:

  • BWM action objects

    The BWM action object options change depending on the Bandwidth Management Type setting on the OBJECT | Profile Objects > Bandwidth page. For more information about BWM actions, refer to Actions Using Bandwidth Management.

  • Bypass action objects

    Bypass action objects are available if the indicated security services are licensed on the firewall.

Default Action Objects
Action Type Description
Reset / Drop

Resets the connection for TCP and drops the packet for UDP.

No Action

Specifies policies without any action. This allows log only policy types.

Bypass DPI

Bypasses Deep Packet Inspection components IPS, GAV, Anti-Spyware, and application control. This action persists for the duration of the entire connection as soon as it is triggered. Special handling is applied to FTP control channels that are never bypassed for application control inspection. This action supports proper handling of the FTP data channel.

Bypass DPI does not stop filters that are enabled on the NETWORK | Firewall > SSL Control page.

Packet Monitor
  • Captures the inbound and outbound packets in the session.
  • Copy the packets to another interface if mirroring is configured.

The capture can be viewed and analyzed with Wireshark.

Advanced BWM High Manages inbound and outbound bandwidth, can be configured for guaranteed bandwidth in varying amounts and maximum or burst bandwidth usage up to 100% of total available bandwidth, sets a priority of one.
Advanced BWM Medium Manages inbound and outbound bandwidth, can be configured for guaranteed bandwidth in varying amounts (default is 50%) and maximum or burst bandwidth usage up to 100% of total available bandwidth, sets a priority of four.
Advanced BWM Low Manages inbound and outbound bandwidth, can be configured for guaranteed bandwidth in varying amounts (default is 20%) and maximum or burst bandwidth usage up to 100% of total available bandwidth, sets a priority of six.
Bypass GAV Bypasses Gateway Anti-Virus inspections of traffic matching the policy. This action persists for the duration of the entire connection as soon as it is triggered. Special handling is applied to FTP control channels that are never bypassed for application control inspection. This action supports proper handling of the FTP data channel.
Bypass IPS Bypasses Intrusion Prevention Service inspections of traffic matching the policy.
Bypass SPY

Bypasses Anti-Spyware inspections of traffic matching the policy.

Bypass Capture ATP

Provides a way to skip Capture Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) analysis in specific cases when you know the file is free of malware. This action persists for the duration of the entire connection as soon as it is triggered.

Bypass Capture ATP does not prevent other anti-threat components, such as GAV and Cloud Anti-Virus, from examining the file.

Block SMTP E-Mail Without Reply

Blocks SMTP E-mail without reply.

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