SonicOS 7 Match Objects

About Default Service Objects and Groups

Default service objects and groups are predefined in SonicOS and cannot be deleted, but can be edited. Only ports can be edited for default service objects. For default service groups, you can change the included or excluded services.

The Service Objects and Service Groups table display the following attributes of the service objects and service groups.

Name The name of the service
Protocol The protocol of the service
Port Start The starting port number for the service.
Port End The ending port number for the service.
Class Indicates whether the entry is a Default (system) or Custom (user) service.

Move your mouse over the comment icon to display information about the service object or group. A pop-up displays the following:

  • <![CDATA[ ]]>Referenced By – with a list of the types of rules or policies configured on the firewall which use the service object or group, along with the number of references to it for each type. The rule or policy type is displayed as a link when available, such as for Access Rules, NAT Policies, etc. You can click the link to go to the page to see the list of specific rules or policies using the service object or group.
  • Groups (Member of) – with a list of service groups or other types of groups that include the service object or group.
Configure Displays the Edit, View and Delete icons for the service (default services cannot be deleted and their Delete icon is dimmed). The Edit icon displays the Edit Service dialog. Only ports can be edited for default service objects. For default service groups, you can change the included or excluded services.

Default service groups are groups of default service objects and/or other default service groups. Clicking on the triangle to the left of the group name displays all the individual default service objects and groups included in the group. For example, the AD Directory Services default group contains several service objects and service groups (see below image). By grouping these multiple entries together, they can be referenced as a single service in rules and policies throughout SonicOS.

AD Directory Services group details

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