SonicOS 7 Device Settings

Table of Contents

One-Touch Configuration Overrides

Be sure to export the configuration of you SonicWall security appliance before executing a configuration override, so the current configuration may be restored. Please refer to Exporting Settings.

Be aware that the One-Touch Configuration Overrides may change the behavior of your SonicWall security appliance. Review the list of configurations before applying One-Touch Configuration Overrides. In particular, these configurations may affect your experience:

  • Administrator password requirements on the Device | Settings page
  • Requiring HTTPS management
  • Disabling HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect
  • Disabling Ping management

The One-Touch Configuration Overrides feature is configured on the dialog available from the Device | Settings > Firmware and Settings page. It can be thought of as a quick tune-up for your SonicWall network security appliance’s security settings. With a single click, One-Touch Configuration Overrides applies over sixty configuration settings to implement SonicWall’s recommended best practices. These settings ensure that your appliance is taking advantage of SonicWall’s security features.

To override the One-Touch Configuration settings

A system restart is required for the updates to take full effect.

  1. Navigate to Device | Settings > Firmware and Settings.
  2. Click Settings. The dialog is displayed.
  3. Scroll to the section.

    • DPI and Stateful Firewall Security – For network environments with Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) security services enabled, such as Gateway Anti-Virus, Intrusion Prevention, Anti-Spyware, and App Rules.
    • Stateful Firewall Security – For network environments that do not have DPI security services enabled, but still want to employ SonicWall’s stateful firewall security best practices.

    Both of the One-Touch Configuration Overrides deployments implement the following configurations:

    • Configure Administrator security best practices
    • Enforce HTTPS login and disables ping
    • Configure DNS Rebinding
    • Configure Access Rules best practices
    • Configure Firewall Settings best practices
    • Configure Firewall Flood Protection best practices
    • Configure VPN Advanced settings best practices
    • Configure Log levels
    • Enable Flow Reporting and Visualization

    The DPI and Stateful Firewall Security deployment also configures the following DPI-related configurations:

    • Enable DPI services on all applicable zones
    • Enable App Rules
    • Configure Gateway Anti-Virus best practices
    • Configure Intrusion Prevention best practices
    • Configure Anti-Spyware best practices

    To see exactly which settings are reconfigured, click on the Preview link next to each button. A page displays with a list of each setting and the value to which it will be set.