SonicOS/X API Reference Guide

Schema Attributes

Attribute Type


status object Status object.
status.success boolean (true|false) Boolean success flag. Refer to the array for more detailed information as to what caused the error if the success flag is false.
status.cli object

CLI status.

This attribute is included only when an API sent one or more commands to the CLI backend.

status.cli.depth number (uint8)

Current mode depth of the CLI:

  • 0 = top-level mode
  • >= 1 config mode
status.cli.mode string Name of the current mode.
status.cli.command string

Command last executed.

This attribute is only included upon command error(s).

status.cli.configuring boolean (true|false) Boolean configuring flag. Should always be true upon one or more consecutive POST, PUT or DELETE API calls that modify the configuration.
status.cli.pending_config boolean (true|false) Boolean pending-config flag. Should always be true upon one or more consecutive POST, PUT or DELETE API calls that modify the configuration. This flag should be cleared once any/all pending changes are committed (saved).
status.cli.restart_required string

Appliance restart status. To take effect, some configuration changes require an appliance restart. These values indicate the type of restart needed:





ALL_BLADES array Informational message(s). string Status level: info, warning, error. string Status code. If success, E_OK is returned, else E_{XXX} where XXX = error code. string Status message.

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