SonicOS/X API Reference Guide

HTTP Status Codes

SonicOS API uses standard HTTP status codes to report success or failure when servicing a request.

HTTP Status Codes
Code Status Text Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
400 Bad Request An invalid request was submitted. Verify that the request URI is correct and that the request body is as expected.
401 Not Authorized The user is unauthenticated or lacks the required privileges for the requested operation. This may be accompanied by headers for initiating authentication, depending on the scheme(s) enabled for that.
403 Forbidden The request was understood by the server but denied. The response body notes the reason why the request was denied.
404 Not Found The resource specified was not found.
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP verb specified is not allowed or supported by the resource specified.
406 Not Acceptable The MIME type specified in the HTTP Content-type and/or Accept header is not supported.
413 Request body too large Maximum size of the request body was exceeded.
414 Request URL too long The request URL exceeded the maximum size allowed or contains extra/unknown parameters (directories).
500 Internal Server Error The request failed due to an internal server error. The response body should note the reason why the request failed.
503 No resources Maximum number of sessions was exceeded.

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