If you would like to query your LDAP or Active Directory server to find out the LDAP attributes of your users, there are several different methods. From a machine with ldap search tools (for example a Linux machine with OpenLDAP installed) run the following command:
ldapsearch -h -x -D
"cn=demo,cn=users,dc=sonicwall,dc=net" -w demo123 –b
"dc=sonicwall,dc=net" > /tmp/file
is the IP address of the LDAP or Active Directory servercn=demo,cn=users,dc=sonicwall,dc=net
is the distinguished name of an LDAP userdemo123
is the password for the user demodc=sonicwall,dc=net
is the base domain that you are querying> /tmp/file
is optional and defines the file where the LDAP query results are saved.