Secure Mobile Access 100 10.2 Administration Guide

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Configuring the Global NetExtender/Mobile Connect IP Address Range

The Clients > Settings page allows the administrator to specify the global client address range. The address range can be specified for both IPv4 and IPv6. An IPv6 address pool for NetExtender/Mobile Connect is optional, while an IPv4 address pool is required. The global NetExtender/Mobile Connect IP range defines the IP address pool from which addresses is assigned to remote users during NetExtender/Mobile Connect sessions. The range needs to be large enough to accommodate the maximum number of concurrent NetExtender/Mobile Connect users you wish to support plus one (for example, the range for 15 users requires 16 addresses, such as to

The range should fall within the same subnet as the interface to which the SMA appliance is connected, and in cases where there are other hosts on the same segment as the SMA appliance, it must not overlap or collide with any assigned addresses. You can determine the correct subnet in one of the following ways:

  • You can leave the NetExtender/Mobile Connect range at the default ( to
  • Select a range that falls within your existing DMZ subnet. For example, if your DMZ uses the subnet, and you want to support up to 30 concurrent NetExtender/Mobile Connect sessions, you could use to, providing they are not already in use.
  • Select a range that falls within your existing LAN subnet. For example, if your LAN uses the subnet, and you want to support up to 10 concurrent NetExtender/Mobile Connect sessions, you could use to, providing they are not already in use.

To specify your global NetExtender/Mobile Connect address range using a Static IP:

1 Navigate to the Clients > Settings page.

2 Under Client Address Range, select Use Static Pool from the drop-down menu.

3 Supply a beginning client IPv4 address in the Client Address Range Begin field.

4 Supply an ending client IPv4 address in the Client Address Range End field.

5 Under Client IPv6 Address Range, optionally select Use Static Pool from the drop-down menu.

6 Supply a beginning client IPv6 address in the Client Address Range Begin field.

7 If using IPv6, supply an ending client IPv6 address in the Client Address Range End field.

8 Click Accept.

9 The Status message displays Update Successful. Restart for current clients to obtain new addresses.

To specify your global NetExtender/Mobile Connect address range using a DHCP

1 Navigate to the Clients > Settings page.

2 Under Client Address Range, select Use DHCP from the drop-down menu.

3 Under Select Interface, use the drop-down menu to select the interface to use for DHCP.

4 Supply the DHCP Server in the field provided.

5 Under Client IPv6 Address Range, optionally select Use DHCP from the drop-down menu.

6 Under Select Interface, use the drop-down menu to select the interface to use for DHCPv6.

7 Supply the DHCPv6 Server in the field provided.

8 Click Accept.

9 The Status message displays Update Successful. Restart for current clients to obtain new addresses.