Secure Mobile Access 100 10.2 Administration Guide

Table of Contents

Configuring One-Time Passwords for Email

Email is sent as a relayed message from the SonicWall SMA 100 series through a mail host. You must ensure your mail host can accept the relay. Most mail hosts will allow this with password authentication and using special designated port. Some require specific types of transport methods in order to relay. Have this information ready prior to proceeding with the following instructions.

  1. In the left menu, navigate to Log > Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Event Logging and Alerts section.
  3. In the Mail Server field, enter the mail server that the appliance will send the relay request to. Example:
  4. In the SMTP Port field, enter the recipient port details for relay requests. Example: Port 587
  5. In the Mail from Address field, enter the sender’s email address. This will be the display email address from which the emails are sent. Please note, some email relay services require this address to be a valid account. If you do not wish to have your email displayed, then consider adding an additional email user to your account with the appropriate name you wish to use here.
  6. Enable SMTP Authorization. Most mail relays require authentication. If you know your organization does NOT require this – then do not enable this field. However, if you are unsure, or are sure they do require, then please enable this setting.
  7. If SMTP Authorization is enabled, now enter the username and password used to log into your email server.
  8. If your mail service requires a secure transport to sign in, please select it next to the SMTP Secure Protocol. Most mail services will require TLS to authenticate and relay. Some services will allow SSL but is less frequent and less secure.
  9. Click Accept. If successful, you will receive a green bar at the top indicating your settings have been saved.