Network Security Manager On-Premises System Administration Guide


Set your NSM administrative settings by navigating to System | Settings > Administration.

To name your system

  1. Navigate to System | Settings > Administration.
  2. On the General tab, enter the NSM Friendly Name in the field provided.
  3. Click Accept.

To set up your administrator settings

  1. Navigate to System | Settings > Administration.

  2. Select the NSM Administrator tab.
  3. Enter the User Timeout in minutes. If set to -1, NSM never logs out.
  4. Type the Current Password.
  5. Enter the New Password and confirm it.
  6. Click Accept.

To define the web management settings

  1. Navigate to System | Settings > Administration.
  2. Select the Web Management tab.

  3. Enter the HTTPS Port in the field provided.
  4. Select Certificate from the drop-down list. You can manage Certificates from Settings > Certificates.
  5. Toggle the button to enable or disable Digital Certificate Authentication. Enabling this option lets you to login using CAC authentication.

    If you change this setting, it may disconnect and log out all users.

  6. Click Accept.

Notifications - SMTP Settings

To define the mail server settings

  1. Navigate to System | Settings > Administration > Notifications.
  2. Select the SMTP Settingstab.

  3. Enter the name or IP address for the Mail Server in the field provided.
  4. Define the From E-mail address.
  5. Select Advanced Settings to view more options.
  6. (Optional) Select Skip TLS Cert Verification if you want to skip the TLS certificate verifications.
  7. Specify the SMTP Port.
  8. Select the Connection Security Method.
  9. Select Authentication Type.
  10. Specify the User Name and Password
  11. Enter the E-mail address to which the notifications have to be sent. This is the mail address is used to receive messages sent from the system.

    This mail address is used to send One Time Password for Forgot Password feature in the login page of NSM.

  12. Click Accept.

Notifications - Twilio Settings

To define the Twilio settings

  1. Navigate to System | Settings > Administration > Notifications.
  2. Select the Twilio Settings tab.

  3. Account SID - This acts as a user name. It can be found on your twilio project setting ( under the API credential.
  4. Authentication Token - This acts as a password. It can be found on your twilio project setting ( under the API credential.
  5. Phone Number - This should be same the as your Twilio registered number.
  6. Click Accept.