In SafeMode, the Network Interfaces screen includes editable and actionable items which are read-only when the management console is in normal mode.
To edit an interface:
In the SafeMode Network Interfaces screen, select the Network interface option and then press Enter.
The Select Interface list appears, displaying all of the interfaces available on the NSM On-Premises instance.
Select the interface you wish to edit and press Enter.
The IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, Netmask, MAC address, Gateway, and DNS settings are displayed on the screen above the interface selection dialog.
To edit the IPv4 address, select IPv4 Address on the screen and press Enter.
The on-screen dialog displays the current IP address.
You cannot navigate to the left navigation pane until you either save changes or cancel using these buttons.
Changes made to interfaces in SafeMode are not persistent between reboots.
Do one of the following: